China’s official silence on casualties in India skirmish point to dangerous morale problem in PLA

China’s official silence on casualties in India skirmish point to dangerous morale problem in PLA

by WorldTribune Staff, July 5, 2020 A week after a deadly skirmish between Chinese and Indian troops at the Galwan Valley Himalayan border region, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has yet to confirm the number of casualties the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) suffered. Chinese officials call media reports from India indicating at least 40 Chinese […]

Woman who tried to buy chemical weapon on dark web gets 6-year sentence

Woman who tried to buy chemical weapon on dark web gets 6-year sentence

by WorldTribune Staff, July 5, 2020 A Canadian woman who attempted to obtain a chemical weapon in the United States has been sentenced to six years in prison. According to court records, 37-year-old Sijie Liu of Winnipeg had in 2019 contacted an undercover FBI agent on the dark web to obtain the unidentified toxin. Liu […]

In Congress, July 4, 1776: The Declaration of Independence

In Congress, July 4, 1776: The Declaration of Independence

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2020 In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the […]

‘Demographic genocide’: China’s CCP forcibly sterilizing Muslim women

‘Demographic genocide’: China’s CCP forcibly sterilizing Muslim women

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2020 As part of a sweeping campaign to curb its Muslim population, China’s Communist Party is forcing sterilization, abortion and birth control on women in the Xinjiang detention camps. Even as it encourages some of the country’s Han majority to have more children, China is taking draconian measures to slash […]

Kids missing vaccinations due to parents’ COVID-19 fears

Kids missing vaccinations due to parents’ COVID-19 fears

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2020 It is well established that children do not easily contract or spread the coronavirus. And most kids who do become infected have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic. Yet, due in large part to fear created by the major media, parents are reluctant to have their children receive vaccines for […]

Report: NFL to play Black National Anthem before all season opening games

Report: NFL to play Black National Anthem before all season opening games

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2020 Are you ready for some football? Before you get to see some football, however, the NFL has a message via the woke mob. Apparently, the NFL believes America is a racist country and therefore will be playing the Black National Anthem prior to all of this year’s season-opening games. […]

Here’s the list of countries that supported/opposed China’s Hong Kong security bill

Here’s the list of countries that supported/opposed China’s Hong Kong security bill

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2020 Following a vote on Tuesday at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the communist government in China declared victory in its enactment of a new security law which essentially ends Hong Kong’s autonomy and basic freedoms for its citizens. In the vote, 53 countries backed China’s new […]

Apocalypse Never: New book blows lid off climate panic tactics

Apocalypse Never: New book blows lid off climate panic tactics

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2020 Environmentalist Michael Shellenberger planned to launch his new book with a column. But the subject matter was so hot that even Forbes spiked the piece which apologized for his role in the “climate scare.” In response, contrarian websites, including Zero Hedge and Watt’s Up With That, reprinted the column […]

Trump White House staff $23 million leaner than Obama’s

Trump White House staff $23 million leaner than Obama’s

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2020 A review of staff salaries shows President Donald Trump continues to cut the White House staff budget and has spent about $23 million less on aides than former President Barack Obama. Trump has never taken a presidential paycheck, donating all of it to various agencies and charities. Reports have […]

Tucker Carlson: ‘Authoritarian hell’ awaits if Trump loses

Tucker Carlson: ‘Authoritarian hell’ awaits if Trump loses

by WorldTribune Staff, July 2, 2020 In his June 30 monologue, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Republicans must lead the fight to stop the authoritarian hell leftists are preparing to create as the puppet masters of a President Joe Biden. “Republicans at all levels could lose this fall. If they do, there will be […]