CCP-paid lobbyists, including Podesta’s brother, get results from Biden White House

CCP-paid lobbyists, including Podesta’s brother, get results from Biden White House

by WorldTribune Staff, September 12, 2022 Just days after a top Huawei lobbyist’s brother joined the White House staff, Team Biden loosened restrictions imposed by the Trump administration on the sharing of U.S. technology with firms blacklisted for their ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a report said. Huawei, which has been a military […]

Research: Risk of adverse effects from vax much greater than severe Covid for college students

Research: Risk of adverse effects from vax much greater than severe Covid for college students

by WorldTribune Staff, September 12, 2022 Mandates for Covid boosters for young people may cause 18 to 98 actual serious adverse events for each Covid infection-related hospitalization prevented, a new research report said. In a 50-page study published on The Social Science Research Network in late August, a team of nine researchers from Harvard, Johns […]

What if the murderer of star reporter was not Robert Telles but a MAGA Republican?

What if the murderer of star reporter was not Robert Telles but a MAGA Republican?

by WorldTribune Staff, September 12, 2022 Las Vegas Review Journal investigative reporter Jeff German was found stabbed to death outside of his home on Sept. 3. Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles has been arrested and charged with the murder of German. In reporting on the murder of a respected journalist who had written several […]

Major credit card companies to track gun purchases

Major credit card companies to track gun purchases

by WorldTribune Staff, September 12, 2022 Visa Inc. announced on Sept. 10 that it will join American Express and MasterCard in recording all gun sales made using its credit cards. The decision comes after a Sept. 9 announcement by the International Standards Organization (IOS), a global body that establishes standards across the financial services industry, […]

Fear is the operative word as USA heads down the socialist ‘road to serfdom’

Fear is the operative word as USA heads down the socialist ‘road to serfdom’

Special to WorldTribune, September 12, 2022 Commentary by Laurence Sanford The United States is on the socialist road to serfdom. Recent government actions on this road to hell include: doubling the number of IRS employees to monitor U.S. citizens; Wuhan virus (Covid-19) lockdowns; climate change hysteria; throttling carbon based fuels; funding of green energy to the […]

In 3-day span, Border Patrol caught 10 sex offenders, a murderer, and several gang members

In 3-day span, Border Patrol caught 10 sex offenders, a murderer, and several gang members

by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News September 12, 2022 Over the span of just three days last week, U.S. Border Patrol encountered 2,690 illegal aliens. Among them were 10 sex offenders, a murderer, and four gang members, Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said. “The dangers are real,” Ortiz said in a tweet. Border Patrol […]

Still not guilty after 6-year crusade: Panicked DOJ, Big Media push for another Trump raid

Still not guilty after 6-year crusade: Panicked DOJ, Big Media push for another Trump raid

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, September 11, 2022 After multiple investigations of Donald J. Trump covering the entirety of his six years in public life all came up empty, the Department of Justice and its Big Media allies are not done. They want more investigations and, why not, another raid. “The raid on Mar-a-Lago found nothing […]

The clear-cut case for court-martialing Gen. Mark Milley: Silence from U.S. officials

The clear-cut case for court-martialing Gen. Mark Milley: Silence from U.S. officials

by WorldTribune Staff, September 11, 2022 In October 2020 and January 2021 Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called his communist Chinese military counterpart and provided him with advance warnings of U.S. military intentions and actions. America learned of Milley’s direct contact with the communists through the book “Peril”, authored by […]

Switzerland says it will fine, jail individuals who turn their thermostats above 66 degrees

Switzerland says it will fine, jail individuals who turn their thermostats above 66 degrees

by WorldTribune Staff, September 11, 2022 Switzerland’s over-reliance on Russian gas combined with its climate change alarmism has created an energy disaster for the European nation, critics say. The situation has become so dire that the Swiss government has enacted regulations that allow for the fining and jailing of citizens who turn their thermostats above […]