Globalist FedEx: Redskins name must go, but business can’t take sides on China

Globalist FedEx: Redskins name must go, but business can’t take sides on China

Special to Corporate WATCH By Joe Schaeffer If you want proof that the wave of corporate-sponsored Cultural Marxist agitprop currently washing over America is thoroughly phony at its core, look no further than parcel delivery goliath FedEx and its attempts to pressure the NFL’s Washington Redskins into changing its team name for reasons of […]

It’s happening right now: The left-wing culture war to take down America

It’s happening right now: The left-wing culture war to take down America

Special to WorldTribune, July 6, 2020 By Frank Luber As violent protests, marked by the toppling of statues of historical American significance, grip the nation President Donald Trump has rightfully called them “a left-wing culture revolution”. It’s taken years but what we’re seeing today in America is the Left succeeding in taking down this country. […]

Trump’s win on USMCA, stalled EU talks pave way for U.S.-UK trade pact

Trump’s win on USMCA, stalled EU talks pave way for U.S.-UK trade pact

FPI / July 5, 2020 Commentary by Lee Cohen Wednesday’s announcement of the start of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a major accomplishment for the Trump administration — fulfilling its promise to modernize the way trade agreements are written — as well as a major economic boost for our continent. Along with frustration over […]

Korea’s ‘forgotten war’, which never ended, holds key to future Asian peace

Korea’s ‘forgotten war’, which never ended, holds key to future Asian peace

Special to By John J. Metzler Seventy years ago, on June 25, 1950, North Korean troops attacked South Korea launching an unexpected military blitz.  Kim Il-Sung’s communists had as their aim the forcible reunification of the divided Korean peninsula, itself a recent legacy of Japan’s defeat in WWII. The South was stunned and Seoul, […]

The changing U.S.-China-Russia military balance has little to do with budgets

The changing U.S.-China-Russia military balance has little to do with budgets

FPI / July 1, 2020 Commentary by Jason Orestes Conventional analysis of the world’s militaries always places the U.S. at the top, and by a wide margin. The most common measure is defense spending, a metric by which the U.S. is so far and away number one it looks like it’s not even a contest. […]

Antifa, BLM can’t be compared to relatively noble Bolsheviks; They are more like ISIS

Antifa, BLM can’t be compared to relatively noble Bolsheviks; They are more like ISIS

Special to, June 30, 2020 By Alexander Maistrovoy In April 1918, the Bolshevik government headed by Lenin signed the decree “On the Monuments of the Republic.” Monuments “in honor of the kings and their servants” must be demolished, but with a significant stipulation: if they had no “significance from either historical or cultural point […]

Eerie parallels between the ongoing insurgency and the Chinese Cultural Revolution

Eerie parallels between the ongoing insurgency and the Chinese Cultural Revolution

FPI / June 28, 2020 By Christopher W Holton, Center for Security Policy If you think the tactics and rhetoric of Antifa and Black Lives Matter demonstrators in America’s streets are new, think again. They’re old. The date is August 1966. Large numbers of students have organized themselves into a violent social movement to promote […]

Powerful women’s media group subsidized ongoing info-war in the USA

Powerful women’s media group subsidized ongoing info-war in the USA

Special to Corporate WATCH By Joe Schaeffer Our ruling elites would like you to believe that the explosion of cultural Marxist agitprop that has dominated mainstream media in the wake of the death of a black man in police custody in Minneapolis reflects a spontaneous grassroots response to “oppression” occurring in America today. It […]

America stands alone against the Chinese 5G threat

America stands alone against the Chinese 5G threat

FPI / June 24, 2020 Commentary by Jason Orestes America is essentially the only major power standing up to China’s 5G expansion. The Trump administration has campaigned fiercely to dissuade its allies against the use of Huawei, which it rightfully accuses of being an extension of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that will operate under […]

Celine Dion, Bono and UN Security Council musical chairs

Celine Dion, Bono and UN Security Council musical chairs

Special to By John J. Metzler It’s one of those rites of late Spring when members of the UN’s General Assembly come together to choose five new non-permanent members of the fifteen-member Security Council.  But what’s usually a spirited but pro-forma election of candidates, this year was carried out in the shadow of the […]

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