In pursuit, globally, of the elusive soft-landing

In pursuit, globally, of the elusive soft-landing

Sol W. Sanders The new year’s worldwide economic downturn has an interlocking effect: every national economy is searching to accommodate itself politically as well as economically to what looks to be an extended period of low growth. After longer or shorter periods of historically unrivaled prosperity, they are feeling for a “bottom” — a level […]

Obama, Holder preparing to steal the 2012 election right before our eyes

Obama, Holder preparing to steal the 2012 election right before our eyes

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. claims Jim Crow is returning. In a recent speech, Mr. Holder said that attempts by states to pass voter identification laws will disenfranchise minorities, rolling back the clock to the evil days of segregation. He said that a growing number of minorities fear that “the same […]

Free transfer of technology could snuff out a relatively new concept: freedom

Free transfer of technology could snuff out a relatively new concept: freedom

Lev Navrozov I call countries that are not free “slave countries,” though Soviet propaganda proclaimed that “Soviet Russia” was the only first “free” country in the world even after it conquered some countries to the west of it, after which those countries became “free” countries in the Soviet propaganda, in contrast to “the rest of […]

Humility deficit in the corridors of shakedown science

Humility deficit in the corridors of shakedown science

Wesley Pruden “Climate research,” the New York Times confidently assures us, “stands at a crossroads.” This means that a lot of research scientists are standing at the crossroads, holding out paper bags like trick-or-treaters on Halloween night, standing in line for taxpayer largesse to fill ‘em up. These specialists in shakedown “science,” who speak only […]

Potentially explosive movements on a volatile Asian chessboard

Potentially explosive movements on a volatile Asian chessboard

Sol W. Sanders A new era of increasing instability is opening in East Asia. The death of North Korean leader Kim Il-Jong is only adding another, if explosive, element to an already volatile equation: China enters a period of substantially slower economic growth, if not a crash, on the eve next autumn of a takeover […]

Proud, for once, to be a German

Proud, for once, to be a German

Special to By Uwe Siemon-Netto, It’s been more than two years since my last visit to Germany, my native land. This time I traveled home at the height of the Eurozone crisis. I returned to California just before Christmas filled with pride in my compatriots. Don’t get me wrong. I am not particularly […]

Mikhail Prokhorov, man of mystery

Mikhail Prokhorov, man of mystery

Lev Navrozov Who is Mikhail Prokhorov? His is not an unfamiliar name to American sports fans. A Russian billionaire entrepreneur, he became the owner of the American basketball team the New Jersey Nets in 2010: “A Russian tycoon with a longstanding passion for basketball agreed to a $200 million deal … that will make him […]

Worse than Watergate: The Obama administration’s culpability for gun smuggling and murder

Worse than Watergate: The Obama administration’s culpability for gun smuggling and murder

Jeffrey T. Kuhner A year ago this week, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered. He died protecting his country from brutal Mexican gangsters. Two AK-47 assault rifles were found at his death site. We now know the horrifying truth: Agent Terry was killed by weapons that were part of an illegal Obama administration […]