Not satire: Putin wins ‘Confucius Peace Prize’ for Chechen War

Not satire: Putin wins ‘Confucius Peace Prize’ for Chechen War

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — George Orwell would have laughed at the very notion. Russian Premier Vladimir Putin has won a curiously-awarded Peace Prize for his military attack on Chechnya in 1999, and his “iron hand and toughness” in dealing with separatists near and far, the old fashioned way. For his bellicose actions, Putin […]

Question not on big media’s radar screen: How will America be impacted by the growing EU crisis?

Question not on big media’s radar screen: How will America be impacted by the growing EU crisis?

Sol W. Sanders An old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”, has become a bromide. I suspect those old Chinese savants were smarter: Confucius [and his St. Paul, Mencius] codified rules and ceremonies for all princes for all eternity, undoubtedly suspecting, rightfully, all eras would have many if not most of the same […]

In his second term, Obama vows, he will fix all that went wrong in his first

Lev Navrozov As I began writing this column, in the morning of November 6, I happened to view the television interview with Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, who appeared on Fareed Zakaria GPS program “Fixing America’s Education Crisis.” Mr.Duncan admitted that America is failing and losing its world dominance in education. International testing has […]

It’s only words: With Asian tour, Obama tries to change the subject

It’s only words: With Asian tour, Obama tries to change the subject

Sol W. Sanders The Obama Administration is trying to turn a historical page. The president’s current Pacific tour is promoted as “a return to Asia”, an acknowledgment of its rapidly growing economies, and, of course, recognition of China as a world power. History has a way of dictating its own terms, however. [When asked what […]

Winner of the Cold War: Communist China

Winner of the Cold War: Communist China

Jeffrey T. Kuhner BOWING TO BEIJING: HOW BARACK OBAMA IS HASTENING AMERICA’S DECLINE AND USHERING A CENTURY OF CHINESE DOMINATION By Brett M. Decker and William C. Triplett II Regnery, $27.95, 231 pages President Obama is creating a post-American world — one that is ushering in the dominance of China. Mr. Obama is fostering U.S. economic […]

History of the Euro crisis: What happens when the center no longer holds?

History of the Euro crisis: What happens when the center no longer holds?

Sol W. Sanders The kaleidoscope of events and mock-events is moving so rapidly in the European crisis, even a dedicated netizen following events finds himself bemused. It might be good to look at a little history: The European effort to unify — after two bloody civil wars of near annihilation and the post-World War II […]

Miserable? UN suggests Norway, Australia, Netherlands in that order

Miserable? UN suggests Norway, Australia, Netherlands in that order

By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Norway, Australia, the Netherlands, and the United States are among the best places to live according to the Human Development Report 2011, the UN’s annual rankings of states based on health, wealth, education and gender rights. Rounding out the top ten include New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Germany […]

Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. He has been running an anti-establishment, insurgent campaign that champions sweeping tax reform and a pro-growth agenda. He is a Southern populist who touts his private-sector experience. He […]

Communists stage a comeback and the West is on track to surrender its freedom

Lev Navrozov For years, I have been warning my readers that it is not accidental that the special “general election” of the head of government and head of state does not exist in the “old” and historically wise Britain, but it does exist in the “young” United States. That reminds me of a Soviet song […]