Media whores, celebrity government and declining U.S. influence

Media whores, celebrity government and declining U.S. influence

Sol W. Sanders   America’s prostituted mainline media and supercilious celebrity culture are helping to facilitate the Obama administration’s destruction of U.S. government credibility. The impression is growing that President Obama’s pomposity on strategy and policy are hollow rhetoric despite their ballyhooing by a kept press, increasingly unconvincing to his domestic audience and to the […]

Obamacare panic: The worthies who imposed it and can afford it don’t want it

Obamacare panic: The worthies who imposed it and can afford it don’t want it

Wesley Pruden When crunch time comes, when the chips are down, when the rubber meets the road – employ the cliché of your choice – Americans can put away their selfish concerns and come together in common cause. Even Congress, our only native criminal class. Deep in the bowels of the Senate and House Office […]

Time to counter totalitarian Islam in the war of ideas

Time to counter totalitarian Islam in the war of ideas

Sol W. Sanders   Untangling all the strands of the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack will take enormous effort and time, long past the patience of the American public to follow the full-fledged autopsy. But one important element needs the attention of U.S. intellectuals who have largely abdicated their role. It is a discussion of the […]

Transatlantic trade called win-win growth formula for USA and Europe

Transatlantic trade called win-win growth formula for USA and Europe

John J. Metzler NEW YORK — “Trade is the cheapest way to produce growth,” exclaimed European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso before an executive audience adding, that a planned Transatlantic trade pact between the USA and Europe Union would produce a “win-win solution in trade” for both sides of the Atlantic. “Our partnership,” stated President […]

Columbia, Kathy Boudin and our utterly corrupted campus culture

Columbia, Kathy Boudin and our utterly corrupted campus culture

By Mona Charen, Creators Syndicate We tell ourselves, we parents of college-bound kids (not to mention ordinary citizens), that American campuses really aren’t as bad as all that, that students can avoid the most tendentious indoctrinators and that the press tends to exaggerate. And then we read headlines like “Kathy Boudin Teaching at Columbia” and […]

Margaret Thatcher actually stood for something

Margaret Thatcher actually stood for something

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Margaret Thatcher, the British Conservative Prime Minister, between 1979-1990, was a Revolutionary. As the first female Prime Minister she emerged as a truly transformational figure both on the domestic and foreign front and soon challenged the entrenched interests with a stance that promoted freedom and economic liberty. She stood […]

Calling N. Korea’s hand: Decades after Hiroshima, proliferation threat becomes real

Calling N. Korea’s hand: Decades after Hiroshima, proliferation threat becomes real

Sol W. Sanders   A bitter and unresolved struggle behind the scenes for control of North Korea, the world’s most regressive regime, is the likeliest explanation for Pyongyang’s unprecedented deluge of threats against South Korea, the U.S. and Japan. For heavy hangs the head of Kim Jong-Un, heir to the world’s only Communist monarchy, a […]

Korean Vortex: Reading the tea leaves

Korean Vortex: Reading the tea leaves

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The increasingly ballistic bluster pouring out from Pyongyang and threatening South Korea, Japan and the USA, with nuclear attacks has jolted East Asia into “paying attention.” Perhaps that’s the real intent of Kim Jong-Un, the new and untested Marxist monarch of the quaintly titled “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.” […]

A world in need of leadership: Picking up the post-Cyprus geopolitical pieces

A world in need of leadership: Picking up the post-Cyprus geopolitical pieces

Sol W. Sanders   It’s early on but some new disturbing geopolitical trends are emerging or being emphasized from the Cyprus financial crisis that go far beyond continuing the very real threat to the Euro and the whole economic structure of the European Union. Offstage, it has exposed the growing deterioration of the Russian regime […]

After Arab Spring, Easter hope but mainly fear

After Arab Spring, Easter hope but mainly fear

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The winds of change continue to swirl throughout the Middle East as the region enters the third year of the socio/political phenomenon optimistically dubbed as the Arab Spring. While political scientists debate the ebb and flow of freedoms and anarchy in the region ranging from Egypt to Libya and […]

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