Lev Navrozov,Nov. 12, 2008
Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union with his family in 1972. He so cherished the freedom of press he found here that he dedicated his remaining years to alerting otherwise-oblivious Americans to the global context of news. The following column was published Nov. 12, 2008.
As election day (Nov. 4, 2008) was approaching, the publicly audible arguments reduced to the argument as to which of the two leading presidential nominees would enrich more a greater number of Americans.
However, any wealth can be destroyed by war, including expropriations of the wealth by the war enemy, and the 20th century already demonstrated how a war may become a world war. Nothing had been said for days, months, and years preceding election day about the possibility of such a regress of history.

In the 20th century, the danger of a world war was demonstrated by Germany, assumed to be highly civilized, West-European, and unique in certain manifestations of culture such as music, philosophy, and science. Germany failed to make its domination global only because, first, Hitler attacked Stalin’s Russia too early and hence could not finance adequately his ongoing atomic project in order to be the first to have atomic bombs, and, second, because his anti-Semitism led to the emigration from Germany of some unique scientists of genius such as Einstein.
To listen to the publicly audible verbal exchanges in the U.S.A. prior to November 4, 2008, presumably most of the world outside the U.S.A. is also wishing as many Americans as possible to be as wealthy as possible, and hence as happy as possible, for happiness is a direct consequence of wealth. As it is sung in Gounod’s “Faust”:
On the earth, the entire human race worships only one sacred idol . . .
And that idol is the Calf of Gold.
Certainly the totalitarian rulers are not averse to the worship of wealth for themselves, even though they keep it secret. On every anniversary of the “Great October Socialist Revolution” Stalin appeared at the top of the stepped pyramid of Lenin’s tomb, called the Lenin Mausoleum, so that Muscovites could see him as they passed by in a festival procession. Our neighbor, a physician, carried his elementary-school-age daughter on his shoulders so that both of them could see Stalin as well as possible. Once, in 1918 to 1923, Stalin was a military officer, and so in 1938 or 1948 he would appear at the top of the Mausoleum wearing that same military dress of 20 or 30 years ago to save on his dress and thus to show his beloved people how thrifty he was for their sake. But the best palaces of the Russian pre-1917 counts and princes were preserved for him in case he would like to drop in.
In 2000, a new “5-year plan” began in China, and in 2010 China is expected to have more Ph.D. scientists and technicians than the U.S.A., except that an overwhelming majority of them will be concentrated on the development of post-nuclear super weapons. How can we know this?
China produces statistical yearbooks, which do not say which I said above in such a direct manner, but the above conclusions can be drawn from their numbers.
Yet perhaps no CIA consultant to President George W. Bush did such school math for him, or perhaps he forgot such trifles and rushed to grace with his personal attendance the Chinese Olympic Games. Indeed, in the eight years of his presidency, Bush never spoke about China as a viable threat.
It is ironic that Germany with its National Socialism seemed to be incomparably more dangerous in the U.S.A. than does China with its Marxism-Leninism (and its 1.3 billion people as against 80 million people of Germany today).
A lethal abyss opens before the 44th US President: the world of post-nuclear super weapons, being developed in a country whose population exceeds that of the U.S.A. more than four times and which is using “capitalism” as effectively all over the world as was the “state slavery” of Stalin or Hitler, in which a human being could always be converted into a detail of a military machine, employing the latest in sciences and technologies.
Since I acquire all books published by Western sinologists, analyzing the military advance of China, I bought Steven W. Mosher’s “Hegemon: China’s Plan to Dominate Asia and the World.” Copyrighted in 2000, that is, the year when China’s military development boost started and George W. Bush became the U.S. president for two terms.
Dr. Mosher knows both Mandarin and Cantonese. He conducted anthropological research in rural China and was predictably banished from China as a spy. For good measure, he “was expelled from Stanford University as his book Broken Earth caused so much controversy between China’s Government and the rest of the nations.” (Wikipedia).
But why did he use the word “Hegemon” in the title of his book copyrighted in 2000? This is a Greek, not Chinese, word.
At our Soviet elementary school, we read The Wolf and the Lamb, the fable by the famous Russian fabulist “Grandfather Krylov.” “Strength always finds weakness guilty.” Before eating the lamb, the wolf tried to find him guilty, but each time his accusation was blatantly absurd. Finally, the wolf said: “Part of your guilt is my hunger!” and “dragged the lamb into the dark woods.”
Some inhabitants of constitutionalist or democratic countries would disagree with Krylov. Published in 1977 was an American biography of Hitler—“The Pathological God Adolph Hitler.” Actually, Hitler was no more pathological than is any American murderer, killing his victims for money without endangering himself too much. Hitler was strength, and his victims were weakness. Should Hitler have tried to find any other cause? No! He was pathological, you see! This is what the American author (Robert G. L. White) of the biography of Hitler I have mentioned is trying to prove. A normal person will never — never ever! — attack other countries without any reason except his strength versus their weakness. Incidentally, when his strength was over, Hitler killed himself, which shows that he was normal — he wanted to avoid his hanging in public and other public humiliations, to say nothing of secret Soviet torture.
It is totally superfluous to attach to “strength versus weakness” words like “hegemon” or “pathological” to explain the behavior of “strength,” explained in a Russian 19th-century fable that we read in our Soviet elementary school. “Strength versus weakness” will be a sufficient cause for the owners of China to seize the world, including the United States, and thus make their own ownership of human beings unshakable.
Lev Navrozov can be reached by e-mail at