by WorldTribune Staff, January 21, 2018
The “Deep State” is not only real, but because it “thinks it knows better” than President Donald Trump and the voters who elected him it has become something the country “should fear,” a former CIA official and a former science adviser to President Ronald Reagan said in a joint op-ed.
“Frighteningly, the deep state has been exposed as a real thing, with names and faces,” ex-CIA official Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, and former Reagan science adviser Dr. William Graham wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Times.

“Deep Staters dominating bureaucracies within the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, and intelligence community, are undermining national security policies Trump was elected to implement,” the writers said.
One year into his presidency, Trump’s administration “is still largely manned by Deep State Obama-Clinton apparatchiks hostile to his ‘America First’ worldview and ‘Peace Through Strength’ agenda,” Pry and Graham wrote.
The writers noted some of the Deep State’s most egregious errors:
- The Intelligence Community (which also wrongly claims Russia rigged elections favoring Trump) grossly underestimated North Korea’s ICBM capabilities and proximity to the H-Bomb. Yet former Reagan administration officials and independent experts have warned for years the intelligence community is underestimating North Korea’s nuclear missile threat.
- Washington’s foreign policy establishment continues to seek denuclearization of North Korea through China, even though evidence is overwhelming that China and Russia helped build the North Korean nuclear threat to advance their geostrategic interests.
- Even many Republicans mistakenly accept as gospel the narrative of the Department of State and intelligence community “professionals” that Obama’s nuclear deal stopped Iran from getting the bomb. Yet there is compelling evidence, ignored by the Deep State, that Iran has already clandestinely developed nuclear weapons, as North Korea did in 1994.
- Dangerously, the national security deep state is undermining protection of the nation’s electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures from electromagnetic pulse (EMP), contrary to the president’s election promise in the Republican National Committee Platform and his recent National Security Strategy.
The Deep State that “has become so hostile to Trump, Republicans and conservative policies generally, has been in the making a quarter-century, or more,” Pry and Graham wrote. “The left that so hated ‘the establishment’ in the 1960s has today become ‘the establishment’ in the government, media, and universities.”
Today’s “anti-establishment” enemies of the Deep State, the writers noted, “are Reaganites, conservatives, and independent thinkers who have for years been exiled from government for ‘political incorrectness.’ ”
The writers concluded their “hope is that Trump, as the people’s ‘politically incorrect’ and ‘anti-establishment’ champion, would resume the Reagan Revolution to restore ideological balance and common sense to at least the national security establishment” and “drain the national security swamp.”
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