Special to WorldTribune, March 21, 2022
Analysis by Joe Schaeffer, 247 Real News
A new survey conducted in Canada and meant to buttress ruling establishment narratives on “disinformation” instead has done just the opposite, highlighting the lack of independent critical thought by those who bought into the Coronavirus Big Lie.
The Toronto Star reported March 19:
Torstar was granted access to results of the EKOS data that show a correlation between vaccination status and attitudes toward a host of political issues, including the war in Ukraine.
The EKOS survey — conducted from March 9 to March 13 and using a random sample of 1,035 Canadians — concludes that a “plurality of vaccine refusers are much more sympathetic to Russia.”

EKOS and the Toronto Star would have you believe that unvaccinated Canadians are itching to climb into a “Z” tank in a Russian column and overrun Kyiv.
But the far more clear-cut takeaway is that the triple-jabbed are far more likely to vigorously support aggressively aiding Ukraine and imposing a rigorous, societal-wide cancel culture campaign against Russia:
EKOS president Frank Graves said vaccination status strongly predicts views on the war, from seizing the property of Russian oligarchs to providing non-military aid to Ukraine. In each case, a vast majority of vaccinated Canadians agreed with measures to help Ukraine and oppose Russia, a view held by only a small minority of unvaccinated people….
Of those Canadians who received three doses of COVID-19 vaccine, the study found 82 percent agreed with imposing tougher sanctions on Russia even if it meant higher fuel and food prices at home. Only 18 percent of unvaccinated people concurred….
Here’s a handy breakdown of the poll’s findings:
Fascinating pic.twitter.com/RMXO5LIejl
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) March 20, 2022
Survey maestro Graves’ conclusion: Those gullible anti-vaxxers are being had once again, this time by a war-mongering tyrant:
“This is definitely a new and bluntly insidious force that’s contributing to polarization and disinformation and poor decision-making. And it doesn’t seem to be going away. Things are getting worse,” said Graves. “I don’t think this is because those people had an ingrained sympathy to the Russians. They’re reading this online, they’re consuming this from the same sources that were giving them the anti-vax stuff.”
The manipulation is too easy to observe. The authoritative opinion that Ukraine must be backed to the hilt by patriotic and properly vaccinated Canadians is presented as fact. Those willing to ask questions about complex matters like experimental gene therapies labeled “vaccines” and distant Eastern European conflicts rather than blindly swallow the consensus narrative projected by the ruling nexus in all its communications, governmental and political outlets, meanwhile, immediately pick up on the amazing correlation between getting jabbed multiple times and believing that the future of democracy worldwide is on the line in Ukraine.
The powers that be fully understand that this is there to see. And so skepticism must be turned on its head, and defined not as a necessary function of the pursuit of truth but as a sign of unsophisticated naivety. Yes, thinking for yourself makes you a sucker, according to those who will not brook being doubted.
There aren’t many fake conservatives who have been more discredited among the ranks they once fraudulently attempted to inhabit than National Review veteran David French. The only reason to cite French is when he serves as a weather vane for new propaganda lines being rolled out by the ruling regime.
On March 18, French was working his beat, promoting the notion that asking questions about vaccines or Ukraine is the mark of a rube:
I want to share with you two remarkably similar numbers. At first glance, they should have nothing to do with each other. On closer examination, they’re inextricably linked.
The first number is 57. That’s the percentage of Republicans who told Yahoo News/YouGov pollsters that the United States should take Ukraine’s side as it defends itself against Russian invasion (28 percent said the U.S. should back neither, and 5 percent said we should back Russia). By contrast, 76 percent of Democrats said the U.S. should back Ukraine.
The second number is 56. That’s the percentage of Republicans who told Kaiser Family Foundation researchers that they were vaccinated. For Democrats, it’s 92 percent. The partisan disparity is so profound that fully 61 percent of all unvaccinated adults are Republican.
Vaccines have nothing to do with Russia, and Russia has nothing to do with vaccines. So why are those two numbers so similar? The answer lies with a phenomenon that afflicts a substantial minority of the right, including a substantial minority of my neighbors. It’s a constant, intense contrarianism rooted in deep antipathy against perceived “elites” or against the “establishment” on the left or the right.
French’s intellectual laziness is on full display here. He writes:
The critical thinker is universally skeptical. The contrarian commits a double error — he’s both excessively cynical and excessively credulous. He’s too quick to disbelieve one side and too quick to believe the opposite.
Keep that “E’ word in mind. For it’s the key to the new propaganda effort.
The Canadian survey and French are both laying the ground for an astonishing slogan that you will be hearing quite often in the weeks and months to come. Ukraine is the third major monolithic ruling establishment party line to be imposed on the American people in less than two years. Party lines are meant to be toed, not debated.
A Joe Rogan-bashing January post at the “Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science” blog on the Columbia University website spells it out:
Remember The Chestertonian Principle: Extreme skepticism is a form of credulity.
The blog has some curious “sponsors,” including Amazon, Google, Disney and Facebook but also the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency.
We mentioned three major party lines. The third has never completely taken hold, much to the chagrin of the ruling elites, and is poised to reignite in the public consciousness in explosive fashion next year.
President Donald Trump by all indications is going to run for the White House again in 2024. The 2024 presidential primary season begins in early 2023. And Trump has made it clear that 2020 election fraud will be a central issue in his campaign.
“That’s the biggest thing there is in politics, and most Republican politicians don’t know it — the 2020 election fraud. It’s the biggest thing in politics, and most politicians don’t know it,” Trump told the Washington Examiner on March 15.
And then there is this:
President Trump at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser:
“So I won Alabama by the biggest number in history.
I won South Carolina by the biggest number in history.
But I lost Georgia by a whisker…
It’s bullshit.” pic.twitter.com/c1Vpla4Vm9
— Xiao (@Xiao24155381) March 20, 2022
Americans have been sternly instructed that they are not allowed to contemplate what the surefire next GOP presidential nominee, barring some unexpected development, is going to be bringing up again and again for a full two years.
It must labeled excessive and extreme.
Trust us when we force you take an unproven health product. If you don’t back the fight for “democracy” in Ukraine, you are a traitor. And if you won’t let the events of 5 am Wednesday Nov. 4, 2020 go, you are an insurrectionist.
Pause to think about any of this? How can you be such an easily manipulated dolt?
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