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The rock star was talking.
“[L]et’s be honest, we live at a time when institutions as vital to human progress as the United Nations are under attack. The European Union is threatened. The G7 is being threatened. NATO is being threatened. The WTO is being threatened. I mean, what’s left? And not just these institutions, but what they stand for — an international order based on shared values and shared rules — an international order that is facing the greatest test in its 70-year history. Not just these institutions, but what they’ve achieved is at risk.”
These are unmistakably the words of a statist globalist dedicated to helping usher in a New World Order. Oh, and he just so happens to be the lead singer of perhaps the most popular band in the world over the last 40 years.
Bono, the Irish rocker who fronts U2, has made a name for himself over the past two decades for his non-stop blathering about sharing the wealth of the West with the rest of the world, even as he continues to amass a personal net worth currently estimated at over $700 million. His hypocrisy is infuriating, but it should not distract from the fact that this is a very influential man who is tied closely at the hip with two of the most destructive pro-globalization goliaths on the scene today, progressive billionaire George Soros and Microsoft money machine Bill Gates.
Bono’s ONE Foundation is the vehicle through which the singer pushes his internationalist agenda. Its very founding roots are intertwined with Soros and Gates. “ONE originated in conversations between Bill Gates and Bono in the early 2000s about the need to better inform Americans about extreme poverty around the world,” the Gates Foundation website says of one of its top grant recipients.
“Together with Melinda Gates, Bobby Shriver, George Soros, Ed Scott, Bob Geldof, and Jamie Drummond, they created an anti-poverty advocacy organization called DATA that focused on deploying celebrities and other influential individuals to urge world leaders to take action on specific development issues. Within a few years, DATA had joined with several other organizations to form ONE, with major backing from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
At this very moment a Soros agent sits on ONE’s Board of Directors. “Morton H. Halperin is a Senior Advisor to the Open Society Institute and the Open Society Policy Center,” his ONE bio reads. Halperin’s resume gives testament to a life devoted to the service of progressive internationalist elites. “He was a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress from June 2003 to December 2009 and was a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations Council on Foreign Relations from January 2001 to June 2003 and from March 1996 to December 1998,” the bio states. “Dr. Halperin worked for many years for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).”
ONE’s leading lights avidly support Soros’s plans to destroy the West. ONE co-founder Jamie Drummond was shockingly blunt in 2018 in voicing his enthusiasm for the Third World invasion of Europe. “As Africa’s population doubles, a lot of them, whatever the circumstances, will be coming to Europe, as economic migrants or as refugees, they will be coming, many of them,” Drummond told the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade and Defence, Infowars reports. “And that is a good thing.
“Because we will be senile,” Drummond continued, displaying his loathing of the native European population. “We will be senescent demographically. We’ll need their youthful energy to do stuff. So, that is just what the economic statistics tell you and the demographic data demands, you know, demography is destiny.”
On its website, ONE attempts to dispel the “myth” that “[r]efugees are an economic burden to other countries.”
“Despite concern that refugees will pose financial problems to the nations they resettle in, research has found that accepting refugees actually boosts national economies,” the organization explains. “Some experts have argued that, though the initial cost of resettling can be high, accepting refugees is a good investment in the financial future of a nation.”
It’s not just Europe either. Bono’s boys are targeting our nation as well.
“Also, in the United States, the average refugee becomes a net contributor to public coffers eight years after arrival,” the post continues. “A study found that refugees actually pay back more in taxes than what they receive in benefits — about $21,000 more in the first 20 years in the USA.”
In 2018, U2 as a band made a notorious mockery of its alleged Christian background by infamously coming out in support of the effort to legalize abortion in Ireland. While many Christian fans were stunned, a cursory examination of who Bono has been in bed with during his years of global activism should have made clear just where he would stand on the murder of the unborn.
Bono frequently gushes over the UN and the vital need for internationalist organizations of its ilk in the world today. His closest financial partners in his activist endeavors, Gates and Soros, have backed UN programs meant to advance abortion on a global scale.
A working group called UN Women is pushing an agenda for 2020 called “Generation Equality.” According to Grace Melton at the Heritage Foundation:
Generation Equality lists “bodily autonomy” and “sexual and reproductive health and rights” among its demands, and further perpetuates the dangerous and insulting notions that women’s equality requires abortion rights and that women’s diverse needs can be reduced to sexual and reproductive issues.
Both Gates and Soros’s Open Society Foundations are prominently listed as “philanthropic partners” to UN Women, along with multinational corporate giants Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble and Unilever.
The Soros-funded group the International Women’s Health Coalition raves over the UN effort to promote abortion and feminism on a global scale:
For this reason, the Generation Equality Forums remain an urgent call to action. In the coming months, UN Women will launch a series of virtual consultations to ensure ongoing engagement. They will also announce the leadership of six Action Coalitions, spanning from gender-based violence and economic justice to bodily autonomy and feminist movements. These multi-sector partnerships are an innovative model meant to establish cross-sector leadership and drive unparalleled action to achieve gender equality.
Finally, as with any organization closely aligned with Bill Gates, Bono’s ONE Foundation parrots the pro-vaccine propaganda that is at the heart of Gates’s global “philanthropy.” The following is from a post on ONE’s website on “5 things you need to know about vaccines”:
“Vaccines help prepare the body to fight off disease-causing germs, such as bacteria and viruses,” writes Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. “They are like training courses for the immune system – teaching it to recognize and destroy the invaders before they can do significant harm to the body.” If global vaccination coverage was improved, an additional 1.5 million lives could be saved annually.
Gavi is a partisan program thinly posing as a “health partnership” that was created by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to aggressively push its worldwide vaccination agenda. For ONE, which is heavily funded by Gates, to cite a Gates operation as a reliable source further highlights just how compromised Bono is by his powerful financial backers.
Given the huge profits to be found via this global “health” onslaught, is it any wonder that Big Pharma giants Johnson & Johnson and Merck are listed as major donors to Gates pal Bono’s ONE Foundation?
Other corporate supporters to ONE include Bank of America, Cargill, the Caterpillar Foundation and NFL owner Robert Kraft/New England Patriots Foundation.
Following in the direct path of Gates’s vaccine push is his effort to promote mass contraception throughout the world as a means of population control. In 2014 Gates and multinational behemoth Pfizer partnered to introduce a “simple” injectable version of the dangerous contraceptive Depo-Provera to Africa and Asia.
“The Gates Foundation, CIFF and other groups will subsidize production of Sayana Press by the drug company Pfizer, which has agreed to sell it to governments and groups like the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for $1 per three-month dose,” the Seattle Times reported.
“The drug will then be made available to women in 69 of the world’s poorest countries at little or no cost, said a Gates Foundation spokeswoman.”
Just by coincidence, no doubt, as this big money joint venture was getting underway, the World Health Organization in 2015 suddenly reversed itself and shrugged off decades of research that indicated use of Depo-Provera increases a woman’s risk of acquiring HIV. This is especially alarming considering Gates and Pfizer were heavily promoting the drug’s use in the very areas of the world hardest hit by AIDS. And that is not just a pro-life argument. Pro-abortion and pro-contraception forces have also expressed serious concern over Depo-Provera and HIV risk.
“Bono is also a well-known activist in the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty in Africa,” the egomaniacal singer’s personal bio on his ONE Foundation website reads. Yet by his very association with Gates, he is likely increasing the AIDS scourge in the very nations he claims to care so much about.
In short, Bono is not just another preening rock-and-roller with a messiah complex who thinks he can save the world. He is far more dangerous than that. He is allied with and furthering the agenda of some of the most powerful players advancing a globalist world order that will bring death and misery to the peoples of the West as well as those Third World unfortunates they so profusely swear to be so concerned about.
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