Trump stance on religious liberties has enabled private social, educational services to thrive

by WorldTribune Staff, May 2, 2018

President Donald Trump’s executive order on religious liberty has, in the year since he issued it, greatly benefited charities and other organizations, a columnist noted.

President Donald Trump issued his Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty on May 4, 2017. / Photo from FRC webpage

“One year after President Trump ordered a halt on former President Obama’s ‘war’ on religious liberty, several Cabinet agencies have made significant changes opening the door for religious groups to provide health, social service and educational benefits” to millions of people, Paul Bedard wrote on May 2 in his column for the Washington Examiner.

Many of the groups had been “sidelined” during the Obama era, Bedard noted, “because their religious views clashed with liberal policies such as abortion.” But Trump’s May 4, 2017 executive order carved out “a loophole for them” and “has greatly expanded the benefits they provide.”

The Family Research Council (FRC) reported that the president’s promotion of “religious liberty” has enabled charities and other groups to provide health care and social services to some 13.7 million people.

“Thanks to President Trump, over the last year we have witnessed nothing less than a revival of legal protections for religious freedom in America,” said FRC President Tony Perkins.

“It’s becoming clear that the domestic policies of our federal government have gone beyond an armistice agreement to dismantling the Obama administration anti-religious expression war machine and replacing it with policies and personnel committed to protecting and promoting our first freedom,” Perkins added.

Perkins said he hopes Trump’s example will be followed worldwide and that the administration will also end the Obama-era’s demand that nations it supported close loopholes for religious groups and charities.

“The Obama administration replaced the promotion and protection of religious freedom with the strong-arming of countries to adopt their liberal social agendas,” Perkins said. “This rejection of religious freedom as a priority resulted in rampant persecution and genocide. Look for the Trump administration’s policies protecting religious freedom both domestically and abroad to lead to increased international respect and protection of this fundamental human right.”

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