by WorldTribune Staff, September 21, 2016
Donald Trump told a large crowd in the small North Carolina town of Kenansville on Sept. 20 that he would not allow “global special interests” to “run our lives.”
“I’m not running to be president of the world, I’m running to be president of the United States,” Trump said as several thousand supporters cheered him on at the Duplin County Events Center.

“Hillary Clinton is the vessel for all of the global special interests seeking to run our government and our lives.”
Earlier on Sept. 20, President Barack Obama in a speech at the United Nations slammed “crude populists” who oppose “global integration”.
Obama said globalism was opposed by “religious fundamentalism, the politics of ethnicity or tribe or sect, aggressive nationalism, a crude populism, sometimes from the far left, but sometimes from the far right, to restore what they believe was a better, simpler age, free of outside contamination.”
Clinton canceled a scheduled visit to Chapel Hill, North Carolina on Sept. 20 with her campaign citing a “change in schedule”.
According to a report by the Carolina Journal, crowds lined up hours before the Kenansville event to see Trump, who also hit on familiar themes in his 45-minute speech, attacking “disastrous trade deals,” illegal immigration, and breaking up “donor monopolies … of special interests and corporate media groups.”
Trump also noted Clinton’s call earlier this week for “tough vetting” before allowing immigrants into the country.
“Hillary is all of sudden going to get tough,” he said. “The [Sept. 26 presidential] debate comes and she’ll say, ‘I want strong borders.’ I believe she meant the term extreme vetting. Where did you hear extreme vetting before? Only from me, because I made up the term.”
ABC News noted that Monday may have marked the first time Clinton has used the term “tough” to describe the vetting processes.
Beverly Naylor of Sampson County arrived more than three hours before Trump took the stage at 5 p.m. She told the Carolina Journal that “I really can’t think of anything I don’t like about him, but I can name hundreds of things I don’t like about her. I think she tells lies with the straightest face I have ever seen in my life.”
Andy Darden, a Sampson County livestock and poultry farmer, was another early arrival. “[Trump] is very straightforward. He tells it like it is. He is not politically correct and I think this country is tired of a bench of politicians,” Darden said, adding he was not surprised at the large numbers who were willing to wait several hours to enter the arena. “I expect this area to show a lot of support for Mr. Trump.”