by WorldTribune Staff, August 27, 2023
True the Vote has launched a new website, Open.Ink, which chronicles election data and investigations, including details of what the organization’s Catherine Engelbrecht calls “The Georgia Collection.”
Within the Georgia collection is a document named “The Aftermath.” Using Georgia as an example, “The Aftermath” provides a summary that illustrates how non-existent voter roll maintenance in Georgia affected the 2020 election results. Biden reportedly won Georgia by about 12,000 votes, but around 67,000 votes in the state were illegally cast, according to True the Vote.
According to The Aftermath document, of the 67,284 ineligible votes cast in the 2020 election, “19,077 votes were assigned to records of voters who no longer lived in Georgia. 48,207 votes were assigned to voters who had moved to a different county within Georgia. Of the 19,077 votes, 16,986 were mail-in ballots. Of the 16,986 mail ballots, 8,984 were inactive according to state data.”
Engelbrecht, and Gregg Phillips have spoken out about why they continue fighting for lawful processes during elections. They describe the extraordinary rule changes that took place in 2020, such as the “mass” mail[-in ballots] during the pandemic” and Mark Zuckerberg’s funding of the largely unmonitored dropboxes. They mention the fact that the “voter rolls had not been cleaned by the Secretary of State’s office in two years.”
Phillips states, “The consequences were that all the ingredients were there to ensure that the crime could happen.”
Engelbrecht adds, “The exploitation was in place. The chaos was absolutely attainable.”
Elections have been stolen in the US since 1800.
This didn’t start in 2020 and it will never end.
It is the plight of the patriot in a constitutional Republic that he or she must remain forever diligent in the conduct of elections.
Elections are the battles.
The war is for…
— Catherine and Gregg (@onwardsocial) July 23, 2023
Engelbrecht and Phillips of said they “unequivocally believe President Donald Trump was justified in questioning Georgia’s results” during his Jan. 2, 2021 phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and others, UncoverDC reported on Friday.
“Ironically, Engelbrecht and Phillips appeared in court on Thursday in Fulton County to request the dismissal of their ‘2000 Mules’ lawsuit with the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) blocks away from where Trump would turn himself in because of his alleged ‘election interference’ case,” UncoverDC’s Wendi Strauch Mahoney noted.
Engelbrecht told UncoverDC that, between 2019 and 2021, “voter roll maintenance during that timeframe was non-existent” because of a Fair Fight lawsuit brought by Mark Elias and Stacy Abrams. According to Engelbrecht, Fair Fight sued the state of Georgia “to prevent the state from cleaning its rolls.”
Engelbrecht and Phillips appeared on Wednesday’s War Room to explain that “the case went on in federal court through the spring of 2021. During that entire period of time, the state did not clean its voter rolls.” After the General Election, True the Vote was “inundated with calls from citizens before the January runoff,” asking what they could do to “ensure there was a better process in the runoff” than during the General Election.”
While looking at the state’s voter rolls, True the Vote found “67,284 votes were cast from ineligible voter registrations in Georgia’s 2020 election based on invalid residency.” But Raffensperger went ahead with certification, most likely knowing full well his voter rolls did not accurately represent the state’s eligible voters, Engelbrecht and Phillips said.
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