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In the fall of 2020, I warned repeatedly on social media, TV and in my syndicated column about the Zuckerberg Heist — Silicon Valley’s hijacking of our election system through a private nonprofit called the Center for Tech and Civic Life.
CTCL was funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, to the tune of $350 million. Election information-rigging Google joined as a top corporate partner, along with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Democracy Fund (founded by Never Trumper billionaire and eBay former chairman Pierre Omidyar).

CTCL created a “COVID-19 Response Grant Program” to “provide funding to U.S. local election offices” that steered voters toward insecure, fraud-vulnerable alternatives to traditional voting. The Amistad Project led the way in exposing how CTCL’s “dark money network pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into local election systems using the COVID pandemic as a pretense.” And as I noted at the time, the scamdemic and performative lockdowns provided a handy ruse to sabotage our regular Election Day experience through less transparent, more manipulable absentee and vote-by-mail mechanisms.
Now states and localities are finally bringing the hammer down on ZuckerBucks. Mississippi banned private donations for public voting operations last week, joining more than a dozen other states. Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin have similar ZuckerBuck bans pending. Also last week, a Louisiana appellate court reinstated the state Attorney General Jeff Landry’s lawsuit against CTCL for illegal, unconstitutional funding of elections flowing into government coffers “in the darkness of night,” as he told The Federalist.
Indeed, the title of a new documentary on CTCL by Citizens United released this week says it all: “Rigged.”
“Do you believe they used the COVID emergency as an excuse to pull (off) this partisan voter turnout operation?” Citizens United’s president David Bossie asks former President Donald Trump in the documentary trailer.
“Am I allowed to give you a one-word answer?” Trump asks. “Yes.”
If you’re a conservative, speaking these truths will get you branded a “conspiracy theorist” and “domestic terrorist.” Reporting on irregularities and concerns with election software and hardware, ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots and paperless voting systems will get you sued or prosecuted — even though left-wingers from NowThis and HBO to the Brookings Institution and Brennan Center for Justice raised similar concerns for years. I’ve been called all the names and am already being sued for interviewing election whistleblowers, so I have nothing to lose in issuing a new warning.
Never forget: COVID-19 chicanery provided the cover and pretext for the Zuckerberg Heist. Learn from history, and hone your pattern recognition skills.
It’s happening again.
For the past month, media outlets and government bureaucrats in both parties have been stirring up fears of election chaos induced by a “paper shortage” that has purportedly dragged on for two years due to “COVID-19.”
That’s just more fake virus news. Graphic paper demands have been declining and paper mills shutting down for decades thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement, foreign subsidies and increased imports. But truth never stopped agenda-driven Chicken Littles:
“A paper shortage is looming over the 2022 elections. Seriously,” Politico warned two weeks ago.
“Worldwide paper shortage causing concerns for balloting ahead of midterm elections,” Detroit station WDIV trumpeted.
“Midterm mess: States grapple with poll worker and paper shortages,” CNN intoned.
The American Forest and Paper Association has tried to un-fan the media-generated flames of fear. “There is no reason to panic,” the association’s Terry Webber assured Americans last week, as long as election officials plan ahead.
But mark my words. This “paper shortage” propaganda will be used to further cement the Soros family-spearheaded push to hackable, paperless electronic voting systems, including Dominion, which covers 37% of voters.
The Colorado state Senate just passed a bill, SB22-153, that would reportedly mandate electronic voting machines in any county with more than 1,000 residents. The measure is backed by radical leftist Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a recipient of Soros campaign cash who fronts a Soros-funded association for Democrat Secretaries of State — and who has launched a political and legal vendetta against Mesa County clerk Tina Peters and Elbert County clerk Dallas Schroeder for preserving Dominion server hard drives.
Also in my own backyard on Tuesday, GOP Clerk and Recorder for El Paso County, Colorado, Chuck Broerman invoked the “paper shortage” card to strong-arm the county commission into extending a high six-figure, no-bid contract with Runbeck Election Services. Hundreds of citizens turned out to a county board of commissioners hearing to raise alarms about “cronyism and nepotism” issues surrounding the deal (Commissioner Holly Williams is married to Runbeck senior adviser and GOP Colorado Springs city councilman Wayne Williams, who brought Dominion machines to the state when he served as Secretary of State, and who was appointed by Mesa County commissioners to oversee elections — a perch from which he has viciously attacked Peters before her case is adjudicated). Additionally, Runbeck has faced watchdog questions about its work in Tarrant County, Texas; Arizona; and Georgia.
But squawking about a “paper shortage” and playing the phony “military disenfranchisement” card (which no one is advocating), Broerman declared that “finding a new vendor” was “just not an option” and time had run out. Turns out city government bureaucrats who finalized the Runbeck contract in late January had themselves dropped the ball for weeks on the mysteriously lost document, a procurement office “slip” compounded by the neglect of a clerk’s office deputy who was away for several added weeks and didn’t get to it because of a “family emergency.”
Of course, the crisis is all the fault of “COVID,” “paper shortages” and inconvenient citizens with pesky questions whose scrutiny of their elected officials is causing them emotional distress — while they arrogantly lecture the people who pay their bills for “offending” them with accusations of incompetence and crony favoritism.
If it walks like an election heist and talks like an election heist … learn from history.
Michelle Malkin is a columnist for WorldTribune.com Her email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@protonmail.com.