Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, November 9, 2021
Team Biden is providing $5 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to a United Nations program that provides abortion drugs and portable abortion devices to women across the world, a report said.
The funds are going to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Supplies program, the U.S. State Department announced on Monday.

UNFPA Supplies “works with abortion groups to distribute non-essential, life-destroying abortion drugs and devices to vulnerable women and girls,” said Rebecca Oas, director of research at C-Fam.
“No prior U.S. administration has funded UNFPA Supplies, whose leading contributors include the Gates Foundation and wealthy European countries,” Oas said.
UNFPA Supplies works with the International Planned Parenthood Federation and MSI Reproductive Choices (formerly Marie Stopes International), two of the largest abortion groups in the world, according to C-Fam.
The UN fund pays for a portable abortion device called the manual vacuum aspirator (MVA) kits and the abortion-inducing drugs misoprostol and mifepristone, Oas noted.
MVAs are devices that use suction to evacuate the uterus, frequently used in early-term abortions. The drug mifepristone is commonly known as RU-486, or the “abortion pill.”
“Misoprostol has other uses besides abortion — it was originally used to treat gastric ulcers and has been used to treat and prevent postpartum bleeding — but mifepristone has no other reason for inclusion as a maternal health intervention except to induce abortions,” Oas noted.
Team Biden approved the funding despite strong opposition from the public to U.S. taxpayer dollars funding abortion overseas.
A Marist poll found that 77 percent of Americans oppose using tax dollars to support abortion in other countries, including 55 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of pro-choice Americans.
Under President Donald Trump, the International Planned Parenthood Federation was defunded of about $100 million and the British-based abortion chain MSI Reproductive Choices lost about $73 million in U.S. tax dollars.
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman praised Team Biden’s funding of the killing of the unborn overseas, saying it is “empowering women and girls, including by promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights, advances human rights, gender equality and global health.”
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