Kerry appears ill at ease in Riyadh where he sought to assure Gulf allies

Kerry appears ill at ease in Riyadh where he sought to assure Gulf allies

Special to In a visit intended to reassure America’s ally Saudi Arabia over Iran’s continued “interference” in the Middle East, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry instead appeared uneasy and defensive, reports said. Kerry met in Riyadh on Jan. 23 with Saudi counterpart Adel al-Jubeir and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) foreign ministers. “Overall […]

Khamenei celebrates capture of U.S. sailors as ‘God’s deed’, welcomes closer ties with China

Khamenei celebrates capture of U.S. sailors as ‘God’s deed’, welcomes closer ties with China

Special to Iran seeks closer ties to China as it “never trusted the West,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Jan. 23. During Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Teheran on Jan. 23, Iran’s supreme leader said the United States was “not honest” in the fight against terrorism in the Middle East. “Iranians never trusted […]

Malaysia arrests 7 ISIL-linked jihadists who were planning attacks

Malaysia arrests 7 ISIL-linked jihadists who were planning attacks

Special to Malaysian police have arrested seven members of a terror cell linked to Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). “All the suspects are members of the same (terror) cell, which is responsible for planning to launch terror attacks in strategic locations across Malaysia,” national police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said on Jan. […]

Realism not rhetoric needed to defeat ISIL, warns Gates

Realism not rhetoric needed to defeat ISIL,  warns Gates

Special to By John J. Metzler NEW YORK — Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates slammed both the Obama Administration and the presidential primary candidates calling for long-term realism in America’s fight against the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) terrorism. “I think that the president has all along underestimated ISIS, has underestimated the degree […]

American founding fathers as THE threat

American founding fathers as THE threat

Special to By Sheda Vasseghi It has been a century since the breakdown of the American way of life, as defined and protected by the Constitution, got underway thanks to foreign interests, ideologists, and “useful idiots.” WWI saw the rise and spread of Socialism and its children ideologies such as Communism, Progressivism, and Islamo-Marxism. […]

U.S. admits losing propaganda war to ISIL ‘fanboys’

U.S. admits losing propaganda war to ISIL ‘fanboys’

Special to The United States says it “ought to do better” to fight Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL’s) Internet propaganda machine. U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, speaking at Ecole Militaire military college in Paris on Jan. 21, said the terror group uses the Internet “to give encouragement or even instruction to people […]

China’s Xi calls for Palestinian state, announces aid for region

China’s Xi calls for Palestinian state, announces aid for region

Special to Chinese President Xi Jinping said Beijing supports the creation of a Palestinian state. Xi made the pledge of support on Jan. 21 during a visit to Cairo, according to Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper. The Chinese president said he supported creation of a Palestinian State with eastern Jerusalem as its capital, based on the […]

Reports: Obama paid $1.7 billion ‘ransom’ to Iran for hostages’ release

Reports: Obama paid $1.7 billion ‘ransom’ to Iran for hostages’ release

Special to The Obama administration has paid a “ransom” of $1.7 billion in U.S. taxpayers’ funds to Iran for the release of American hostages, critics and Iran officials said. The administration insists the payment was a decades-old legal settlement with Teheran and was not tied to the recent release of five American hostages, according […]

Reports: U.S. forces take control of Syrian air base

Reports: U.S. forces take control of Syrian air base

Special to U.S. special forces have taken control of an air base in northeastern Syria, according to reports. The facility, near the city of Rmeilan in Hasakah province, is the first U.S.-controlled air base in Syria. A spokesperson for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said the base was handed over to the U.S. to […]

Xi signs Egypt deals as China looks to boost Mideast clout

Xi signs Egypt deals as China looks to boost Mideast clout

Special to Chinese President Xi Jinping on Jan. 21 pledged billions of dollars in aid to Egypt as Beijing moved to boost its influence in the Middle East. “China supports Egypt’s efforts to maintain stability, develop the economy and improve livelihoods, and … play an even greater role in international and regional affairs,” Xi […]