Report: Swiss made secret deal with PLO to avoid terror

Report: Swiss made secret deal with PLO to avoid terror

Special to The Swiss government negotiated a secret deal with Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to avoid terror attacks in Switzerland, according to a report. The arrangement was made following the hijacking by Palestinian groups of two Swissair flights in 1970, according to the Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung (NZZ). Full details of the deal […]

Saudi foreign minister raises prospect of nuclear option against Iran

Saudi foreign minister raises prospect of nuclear option against Iran

Special to Saudi Arabia will do “whatever we need to do in order to protect our people,” including developing nuclear weapons if Iran does the same, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said on Jan. 19. Jubeir also warned that world powers may regret lifting sanctions on Iran as a result of its reported nuclear […]

Israel starts work on security fence on Jordan border

Israel starts work on security fence on Jordan border

Special to Israel is building a wall, actually a fence, along its last frontier without a physical barrier, the border with Jordan. Construction on 30 kilometers (18 miles) of fence is expected to be completed by the end of the year, according to the Israeli Defense Ministry’s Engineering and Construction Department. The barrier will […]

Palestinian official: Hitler had his good points

Palestinian official: Hitler had his good points

Special to Adolf Hitler “was not morally corrupt,” but “daring” for the extermination of six million Jews, a Palestinian Authority official said. Fatah leader and Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi made the comments on the “Ma’an” television program on Jan. 16, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported. The PMW report said the TV program’s host immediately cut Tirawi […]

Iran’s Khamenei disavows attack on Saudi embassy In Teheran

Iran’s Khamenei disavows attack on Saudi embassy In Teheran

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has condemned the attack on Saudi Arabia’s Embassy in Tehran in early January, saying it was “very bad” and “wrong.” Khamenei equated the assault to an attack against both Iran and Islam. Khamenei’s remarks were published on his website on […]

U.S. provides logistical support to French carrier in Gulf

U.S. provides logistical support to French carrier in Gulf

Special to The United States is providing critical support for France’s aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. The U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, based in Bahrain, resupplied France’s Charles De Gaulle carrier, which began operations in the Gulf last month as part of the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). “The […]

ISIL levels Iraq’s oldest Christian monastery

ISIL levels Iraq’s oldest Christian monastery

Special to Iraq’s oldest Christian monastery, built in 590, has been destroyed by Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). Satellite photos confirm that St. Elijah’s monastery in Mosul was reduced to rubble in 2014 as ISIL jihadists seized the city. St Elijah’s joins a growing list of more than 100 religious and historic […]

Two satellite phone SIM cards missing after Iran captured U.S. sailors

Two satellite phone SIM cards missing after Iran captured U.S. sailors

Special to Two SIM cards from satellite phones were missing from the boats of the 10 U.S. sailors who were detained by Iran. In its first official account of the incident, the United States military on Jan. 18 released a timeline of the events of Jan. 12. The sailors were headed from Kuwait to […]

Stalinist Cuba, mass graves, and a U.S. president’s legacy

Stalinist Cuba, mass graves, and a U.S. president’s legacy

Special to By Frank Calzon On Jan. 8, 1959, as Fidel Castro entered Havana in triumph and the dictator Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba, Raul Castro opened up a mass grave in Santiago and immediately executed seventy one Cubans without due process. As the Obama Administration begins a final year of diplomatic appeasement of tyrants […]

Belgian of Moroccan descent, arrested in Paris attacks probe, fought in Syria

Belgian of Moroccan descent, arrested in Paris attacks probe, fought in Syria

Special to Police in Morocco have arrested a Belgian national of Moroccan descent in connection with the November terror attacks in Paris. Gelel Attar was arrested on Jan. 15 in the city of Mohammedia, the Moroccan Interior Ministry said. The ministry said Attar had received training from Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) […]