‘Americans are getting sicker, infertile and life expectancy is going down’

‘Americans are getting sicker, infertile and life expectancy is going down’

by WorldTribune Staff, August 18, 2024 Contract With Our Readers In a new interview with independent journalist Tucker Carlson, brother and sister whistleblowers Calley and Casey Means detail how Big Pharma has co-opted government agencies and the food industry in order to keep Americans sick and in need of medication. “These subtle, insidious forces that […]

Pfizer paid for profitable vaccine media narrative without even talking to the press

Pfizer paid for profitable vaccine media narrative without even talking to the press

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, May 2, 2023 In 2022, Pfizer became the first drug company in history to break $100 billion in annual sales. That was made possible by a combination of flooding the airwaves (brought to you by Pfizer ring a bell?) with advertising; bribing consumer, medical, and civil rights groups; and relying on […]

Stunning lies revealed in Pfizer vaccine documents the FDA tried to keep under wraps

Stunning lies revealed in Pfizer vaccine documents the FDA tried to keep under wraps

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2022 A group of 3,000 highly credentialed doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists are pouring over the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. What the group has found in the documents, which were […]

Because we care (about our profits): Parody ad mocking Pfizer goes viral

Because we care (about our profits): Parody ad mocking Pfizer goes viral

by WorldTribune Staff, January 11, 2022 A new spoof ad mocking Pfizer is going viral. The Covid World noted in posting the video: “They say laughter is the best medicine, but a spoof ad mocking Pfizer, or rather Schizer, may be a bitter pill to swallow. The parody ad entitled ‘Schizer | Because We Care […]

Big Pharma, leftist charities race to save flagging Fauci’s nosediving credibility

Big Pharma, leftist charities race to save flagging Fauci’s nosediving credibility

Special to WorldTribune, October 29, 2021 Analysis by Joe Schaeffer The fat is in the fire for its reeling foot soldier, so the progressive ruling establishment is calling on its front groups to try to prop him up. Beagle torturer, AIDS orphan medical experimenter and aborted baby Frankenstein research enthusiast Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical […]