by WorldTribune Staff, April 27, 2023
In her book, “Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald“, Judyth Vary Baker details how she came to be a cancer expert at a young age and what led to her involvement with U.S. intelligence in the development of a biological weapon that Oswald was to smuggle into Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro.

Baker also details what she knew of President John F. Kennedy’s impending assassination, her conversations with Oswald as late as two days before the killing, and her belief that Oswald was a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent.
In an interview with the Broken Truth podcast posted on April 27, Baker describes how, as a young scientist in the spring of 1963, she was brought on board a clandestine “gain of function” project spearheaded by Dr. Alton Ochner, a renowned cancer researcher in New Orleans.
“Exploited for her brilliance, Judyth worked with a wide array of important and dangerous people, including a man destined for infamy – Lee Harvey Oswald,” Broken Truth notes.
In the interview, Baker discusses “how a tumor causing monkey virus hidden in the polio vaccine became a weapon to cause fatal cancer in Fidel Castro.”
After the JFK assassination and Oswald’s death, Baker said she was ordered to become a “vanilla girl”, maintain a low profile and say nothing or she would be killed. She faded into the background and raised five children before breaking her silence decades later in an effort to salvage the reputation of Oswald. She describes the former U.S. Marine as an American hero.
Baker was featured in a multi-part documentary by British producer Nigel Turner, “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” that was later aired by the History Channel. Because subsequent sections of the production directly implicated former President Lyndon Baines Johnson in the Kennedy assassination, prominent Democrat supporters of LBJ mounted a counterattack. According to Wikipedia:
The History Channel responded by assembling a panel of three historians, Robert Dallek, Stanley Kutler, and Thomas Sugrue. On a program aired April 7, 2004, titled “The Guilty Man: A Historical Review,” the panel agreed that the documentary was not credible and should not have aired. The History Channel issued a statement saying, in part, “The History Channel recognizes that ‘The Guilty Men’ failed to offer viewers context and perspective, and fell short of the high standards that the network sets for itself. The History Channel apologized to its viewers and to Mrs. Johnson and her family for airing the show.”
In her interview with BrokenTruth, Baker said Nigel Turner had been professionally ruined by the controversy and vanished from the public eye. The segment of the documentary featuring her relationship with Oswald is included here.
Also discussed in the interview:
• The motivation to take out Castro by any means necessary.
• SV40 found in Polio vaccine.
• Mafia connections with intelligence agencies inside the U.S. in 1963.
• The damage being done by Covid and research to this day.
• Her weaponized cancer apparently became airborne, jumping across cages to uninfected animals.
• How Judyth’s weapon moved to MD Anderson and later Fort Detrick, Maryland, home of the National Cancer Institute and USAMRID.
• Broken Truth’s rejected FOIA request into Eric Freed at the NIH Fort Detrick lab and how Freed allegedly suppressed information that Covid vaccines are linked to cancer.
Interview teaser:
(View the full interview here.)
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