Special to WorldTribune.com
By Miles Yu, Geostrategy-Direct.com
The post-Soviet ebb of Russian naval glory seems to be over under a more aggressive President Vladimir Putin. That seems to be the unmistakable message Moscow is trying to send to the world.

In recent weeks, President Putin ordered a dramatic increase of Russian naval presence in the Mediterranean in preparation for a U.S.-led bombing campaign against his ally President Bashar Assad of Syria, making the total of Russian capital ships in the Mediterranean at 11, the most since the Soviet era.
Meanwhile, the Russian naval flotilla has just finished multiple weeks of port calls to Moscow-friendly, anti-U.S. Cuba and Venezuela in the Caribbean region, deliberately designed to irk Washington in the U.S. backyard.
Russia is also trying to rebuild its Pacific Fleet to Cold War strength, to coincide with the U.S. strategic Pivot to Asia, also known as “Rebalancing.”
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