Report: Trump Administration has put stop to surge in Muslim refugees to U.S.

by WorldTribune Staff, July 3, 2019

President Donald Trump has significantly cut the number of refugees being admitted the U.S. The president has also stopped the surge of Muslim refugees and is admitting a much higher percentage of Christians than the previous administration, according to new data.

‘The shift came after the White House put new vetting requirements on Muslims and refugees coming from warring areas in the Middle East.’ / Wikimedia Commons

The Trump administration has drastically cut the Obama-era goal of allowing 110,000 refugees into the country every year. Trump cut that number by 73 percent, to just over 26,000. The cuts impacted refugees of all religions.

In the last year, according to State Department and Homeland Security data analyzed by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), 16 percent of refugees accepted into the U.S. were Muslim and 80 percent were Christian.

“Since the Trump administration travel ban and additional vetting procedures were implemented in 2017, Muslim refugees represented just 16 percent (3,495 individuals) of all those resettled in 2018. The first seven months of FY 2019 have followed a similar pattern, and Muslim refugees made up 16 percent (2,375 refugees) of the 14,808 resettled as of April 30, 2019,” said MPI.

At the end of the Obama administration, not only were more refugees being let into the country, but the levels of Muslims and Christians were nearly level, 43 percent Muslim, 47 percent Christian. The year before, 44 percent were Christian to 46 percent Muslim.

“The shift came after the White House put new vetting requirements on Muslims and refugees coming from warring areas in the Middle East and after Christian groups pressed the administration for help,” Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard noted on July 2.

The Migration Policy Institute also noted that, in a first, Canada and not the United States is now the top home for the world’s newest refugees.

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