Rasmussen poll: Most voters now believe federal agents ‘provoked’ Jan. 6 Capitol breach

by WorldTribune Staff, April 20, 2023

The majority of voters in a new Rasmussen Reports poll believe the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was provoked by federal agents secretly operating in the crowd of protesters.

In a rejection of the primary blame the Department of Justice and House Democrats put on President Donald Trump, 65 percent of likely voters said it is likely that undercover government agents helped provoke the so-called J6 riot, including 46% who say it is very likely.

Twenty-six percent don’t believe it is likely the riot was provoked by government agents, including 12 who think it is not at all likely, according to the poll conducted on April 12-13 and 16.

The airing of never-before-seen videos by Fox News’s Tucker Carlson is believed to have boosted the number who suspect federal involvement.

“Among voters who have ‘very closely’ followed news about Carlson’s broadcast of new videos of the Capitol riot, 72% think it’s ‘very likely’ that undercover government agents helped provoke the riot,” Rasmussen said.

Meanwhile, in a Rasmussen survey conducted April 17-19, 60 percent of likely U.S. voters said they believe cheating likely affected the outcomes of some races in the 2022 midterm elections.

Just 35 percent in poll said they don’t believe it’s likely the 2022 midterms were affected by cheating, including 20 percent who think it’s not at all likely.

Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington noted in a social media post:

“60% of Likely Voters say it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections.

“53% say mail-in ballots make it easier to cheat.

“62% say federal and state officials are ignoring evidence of widespread election fraud.

“78% of Republicans say it is likely cheating affected races in 2022.

“48% of DEMOCRATS say it is likely cheating affected races in 2022.

“53% of Independents say it is likely cheating affected races in 2022”

“This issue is NOT going away until we FIX our elections!”

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