Question: Is Google effectively an agent of the People’s Republic of China?

WorldTribune, July 8, 2019

This month, we introduce a new daily feature: ‘Question of the Day’. Let’s have some fun! Send your responses here [[email protected]] or comment on Facebook, and we’ll publish the best.

Question of the Day, July 15, 2019: Google has been accused of helping China’s military while collaborating with the Chinese Communist Party regime’s censorship policies. However due to a rebellion by its workers, Google canceled a contract with the Pentagon. Google is a key part of many American’s everyday life. Is Google effectively an agent of the People’s Republic of China?

Question of the Day, July 14, 2019:

Never mind the polls. Who will be the Democrat Party candidate for president in 2020 and why?


When the entire barrel of apples are rotten all is left for them is compost. – Michael Wilkins

It is difficult to believe that anyone is happy with any of these candidates. – Katie Knack

Is there 1 decent person among all of them? – Margaret Canning Preston Franklin

Biden Harris then spectacular loss for Dems the first Tuesday of November 2020. – Mike Smith

None of them fit to lead this country… America deserves and demands far better-real leaders with real solution not the endless Never Trumper garbage – Susan Conery

Bunch of Communists. – Dinah Reynolds