Special to WorldTribune.com, April 11, 2023
Corporate WATCH
Commentary by Joe Schaeffer
Former Pennsylvania acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman, who oversaw the 2022 midterm elections in the Keystone State, is now an official George Soros employee:
The Open Society Foundations announced today that Leigh M. Chapman, the former acting Secretary of State of Pennsylvania, will join Open Society-U.S. as director, pro-democracy alliance and structural reform.
In this new role, Chapman will lead Open Society’s work to strengthen U.S. democracy by shoring up and reforming democratic institutions, expanding and protecting voting rights, and building a multi-racial, pro-democracy majority.
In a disturbing tweet, OSF gloated over how this increases the degree to which Soros has become deeply embedded within the US election infrastructure orbit:
With deep knowledge and experience in voting rights and election administration, Pennsylvania’s former acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman joins us to lead our work in strengthening U.S. democracy. https://t.co/TmN3X11KBA
— Open Society Foundations (@OpenSociety) March 22, 2023
From the Open Society announcement:
“Leigh’s deep knowledge and competence in election administration and civil rights will advance Open Society’s core mission of working to protect and fortify our political processes and our democracy,” said Laleh Ispahani, co-director, Open Society–U.S. “We’re excited at the gravitas, capacity, and creativity Leigh will bring to our team and mission.”
Chapman gained national notoriety in 2022 by openly flouting the US Supreme Court on the counting of undated or incorrectly filled out mail-in ballots:
A top election official in Pennsylvania says the state will disregard the U.S. Supreme Court’s guidance on counting mail-in ballots arriving in envelopes with typos or incorrect dates, saying that the state’s Commonwealth Court has already established the practice as licit.
Pennsylvania’s election laws have historically required voters to include a signature and date on the outside of return envelopes when voting by mail.
However, acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman announced that Pennsylvania election officials should continue counting ballots that arrive with improperly filled-out envelopes, in accordance with the Commonwealth Court’s previous ruling on the matter.

Chapman was utterly shameless about her role in the affair:
“Today’s order from the U.S. Supreme Court vacating the Third Circuit’s decision on mootness grounds was not based on the merits of the issue and does not affect the prior decision of Commonwealth Court in any way,” the acting secretary of state continued. “It provides no justification for counties to exclude ballots based on a minor omission, and we expect that counties will continue to comply with their obligation to count all legal votes.”
The Pennsylvania state Supreme Court was forced to step in just days before the elections and rein her in:
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday [Nov. 1] ordered election officials in the battleground state to refrain from counting mail-in ballots that lack a written date on their outer envelope, siding with Republicans in a matter that could have national implications on Nov. 8.
The Republican National Committee and several other party-aligned groups filed a lawsuit in October to stop undated ballots from being counted, citing a state law that requires voters to write the date on the return envelope when sending them in.
In a two-page ruling issued a week before Election Day, the court said that noncompliant ballots should be set aside. It was the latest wrinkle in a protracted legal fight over undated ballots in Pennsylvania, where voters are set to decide pivotal contests for governor and the U.S. Senate.
In a vital piece of messaging, Chapman repeatedly emphasized in the lead-up to an extremely tight U.S. Senate race that was expected to have major bearing on which party controlled the upper chamber that it would take “days” after Election Day to count up all the votes.
An Oct. 26 interview with NBC News establishment mouthpiece Chuck Todd exemplifies just how painstakingly deliberate the effort was. Todd started off by bringing up the dark specter of unspecified “threats” against election officials by people who dispute the 2020 election results… meaning, Trump supporters.
But he was especially keen on driving home the point that it would take several days after Election Day for Pennsylvania to count all the votes:
“And in fact that’s what I wanted to emphasize. I was hoping our entire segment would just be about clarifying this…. Explain when the mail-in ballots get to be opened and counted.
We repeat: Chuck Todd really wanted to drive this point home:
Todd: So, it took about four days the last time. Is that… just prepare people now. Since this is the state that could decide Senate control. We’re probably looking at days, correct?
Chapman: Days. And it’s hard to estimate. We are having high turnout already. About 1.3 million Pennsylvanians have already requested mail-in or absentee ballots…. So we will see, you know, as far as how many mail-in ballots counties will get.
Tellingly, Chapman felt the need to specifically deny any wrongdoing:
“But the best we can do is just manage expectations and let voters know that election officials need to do their job. They need to ensure that they’re counting every vote, and delays in results does not mean anything bad is happening. It doesn’t mean ballots are showing up out of nowhere. It’s because of that restriction where we can’t start preprocessing or canvassing those votes until election morning.”
Also in late October, just a couple of weeks before the election, Chapman instructed her dominant media allies that “we’re counting on you in the media” to help her “prebunk” “mis- and disinformation” on the vote-counting process in Pennsylvania.
This is how the big-box media serve the installed ruling establishment.
As WorldTribune noted immediately after the fraud-riddled 2020 presidential election, Soros has been a constant presence throughout the election integrity crisis, most specifically in Pennsylvania:
Notorious Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar publicly thanked leftist George Soros-funded organizations VotingWorks and the Brennan Center for Justice for helping audit the state’s primaries and making sure there was no fraud.
As we wrote at the time…
KEY POINT: It’s not about how useful these audits may or not be. By the sound of things, they don’t seem to serve much of a purpose at all. What is important is that this Soros-aligned organization has been working hand-in-hand with election security officials in the very states now being accused of massive fraud. That fact alone is alarming. But it begs a further question. What else were they up to?
Watchdog website Influence Watch has a dossier on Chapman that highlights her long-term devotion to fraud-laced mail-in balloting:
The [Philadelphia] Inquirer noted that the founder of Chapman’s previous employer, Deliver My Vote, was a Democratic political consultant whose firm boasted of implementing “vote-by-mail signup drives, helping to reshape the electorate favorably for Democratic causes.” After the announcement of Chapman’s appointment, one Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania issued a news release criticizing Wolf for selecting “another partisan actor” whose “previous employer, Deliver My Vote, is proud of using vote-by-mail to favor Democrats.”
It is astonishing to contemplate. The woman who presided over a state election that played an enormous part in granting Democrats control of the United States Senate just four and a half months later has become an official paid employee of George Soros. Do Americans fully grasp how utterly corrupted their elections have become?
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