by WorldTribune Staff, July 14, 2017
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that Turkey will not ratify the Paris climate agreement, following U.S. President Donald Trump’s lead in pulling out of the pact.
“After that step taken by America, the position that we adopt is in the direction of not passing it in parliament,” Erdogan told the press at the end of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

Erdogan’s move “comes against a backdrop of ongoing climate skepticism,” Monica Showalter wrote for American Thinker on July 13.
Showalter added that, “while any pullout depends on who gets elected to office, the reality is that many officials want nothing to do with this economy-killing pact. As for China and India, sure, they want the pact – so long as they never have to produce any results.”
Officials from the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Australia, and the oil-rich Arab states “have openly questioned global warming in the past.”
As for Turkey, “they didn’t want to be another pillar in some fake global warming establishment myth that would ruin their economy and empower eurocrats, just so wealthy greenie hipsters in the West can feel good about themselves,” Showalter wrote.
Even though all other G20 leaders, with the exception of Trump, signed on to summit’s final statement asserting “the Paris agreement is irreversible,” Erdogan said some of those countries had a “problem” with the accord and are “not renewing their support.”
With Trump’s abandoning of the accord, for Turkey, it became “a case of the gravy train shutting down,” Showalter wrote.
Under the original pact, President Barack Obama pledged $2 billion to third-world countries as part of the deal.
“Well, now that the money’s run out, there’s no reason to hang around.”
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