FPI / September 16, 2019
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed on Sept. 9 that a site in Iran that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a year ago called a “secret atomic warehouse” showed traces of uranium that Iran has yet to explain.

The UN’s nuclear agency also confirmed that Iran has begun installing more advanced centrifuges used for enriching uranium, the latest step in the Islamic Republic reducing its commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.
The installed centrifuges were prepared for testing with uranium hexafluoride, or UF6, the feedstock for centrifuges, the IAEA said in a Sept. 9 statement.
Enriched uranium can be used to make fuel for reactors, but also nuclear weapons, and more advanced centrifuges could enable Iran to produce material for a potential nuclear bomb faster.
Netanyahu followed up the IAEA’s announcement on Sept. 9 by delivering another dramatic presentation on Iran’s nuclear program, announcing a previously undisclosed development site in Teheran which Iran had attempted to cover up in vain.
“Today, I can say we have exposed further secret facilities in Iran’s nuclear program,” Netanyahu said.
The Israeli leader also declared vindication regarding his claims made last year to the UN about “clean but radioactive rugs” discovered by Israel in a clandestine Mossad operation revealed by Netanyahu last year.
“One of the most important [facilities] to develop nuclear weapons,” said Netanyahu, is a site named “Abadeh, south of Isfahan,” a city in central Iran.
“Just like in Turqazabad, when Iran understood that we were onto it they immediately started trying to hide it,” he said, adding Iran destroyed it around July once they understood Israel had uncovered it.
Presenting before-and-after photographs of the alleged nuclear site, Netanyahu said, “They simply cleared it. They covered it… put gravel on it. It’s simply extraordinary. Every time they hide [their facilities], we expose them and then they try to cover up their tracks.”
“To the tyrants in Iran, I say Israel knows what you’re doing, when you’re doing it and Israel knows where you’re doing it.
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