by WorldTribune Staff, May 14, 2017
Noting that “nothing worth doing ever came easy,” President Donald Trump in a May 13 commencement speech at Liberty University urged graduates to do what most journalists are not: stand up to “established systems” and be “warriors for truth.”
In his first commencement speech as president, Trump encouraged grads to ignore critics, take risks, never quit, and remember that “in America we don’t worship government, we worship God.”

“Ask yourself, with all of those blessings and all of the blessings that you have been given, what will you give back to this country and indeed to the world, what imprint will you leave in the sands of history?,” Trump asked.
“What will future Americans say we did in our brief time right here on earth. Did we take risks? Did we dare to defy expectations? Did we challenge accepted wisdom and take on established systems? …. Or did we just go along with convention, swim downstream, so easily with the current and just give in because it was the easy way, it was the traditional way or it was the accepted way?
“Remember this: nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy. Following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those that lack the same courage to do what is right and they know what is right but they don’t have the same courage or guts or stamina to take it and to do it. It’s called the road less traveled.”
Trump said he hopes each graduate would be “a warrior for the truth”, “a warrior for our country and for your family.” He encouraged them that they will do what is right even when it isn’t easy, “You will be true to yourself, your family, your beliefs.”
The president said that, in his brief time in Washington, “I’ve seen firsthand how the system is broken. A small group of failed voices who think they know everything and understand everyone want to tell everybody else how to live and what to do and how to think, but you aren’t going to let other people tell you what you believe, especially when you know that you’re right.
“We don’t need a lecture from Washington on how to lead our lives.”
Trump said that “America has always been a land of dreams because America is a nation of true believers.” He added that the pilgrims prayed and, later, America’s Founding Fathers invoked Creator God four times in the Declaration of Independence.
“The story of America is the story of an adventure that began with deep faith, big dreams, and humble beginnings,” said Trump who said Liberty University began in the same way.
The president said that many people likely told Liberty University founder Jerry Falwell Sr. that his vision of such a Christian university wasn’t possible.
“No one has ever achieved anything significant without a chorus of critics standing on the sidelines explaining why it can’t be done. Nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic because they’re people that can’t get the job done. The future belongs to the dreamers and not to the critics.”
Trump went on to urge the class of 2017: “Never, ever give up, there will be times in life you’ll want to quit, you’ll want to go home…Just never quit.
“The more people tell you it’s not possible, that it can’t be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong. Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. It’s the outsiders who change the world. The more a broken system tells you that you’re wrong the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead, you must keep pushing forward.”
Trump continued: “You are a living witness of the gospel message, of faith hope and love. America is better when they put their faith into action. As long as I am your president no one is going to keep you from practicing your faith or from preaching what’s in your heart.
“You will have the faith to replace a broken establishment with a government that serves and protects the people.
“We must always remember that we share one home and one glorious destiny. Whether we are brown, black, or white, we all bleed the same red of patriots, we all salute the same great American flag and we are all made by the same almighty God. As long as you remember what you have learned here at Liberty, as long as you have pride in your beliefs, courage in your convictions, and faith in your God, then you will not fail. And as long as America remains true to its values, loyal to its citizens, and devoted to its Creator then our best days are yet to come, I can promise you that.”