by WorldTribune Staff, February 2, 2017
A North Carolina state representative made fun of the Raleigh News & Observer’s decision to run a story about the lawmaker’s Facebook post criticizing the Women’s March on Washington.
Rep. Michael Speciale, of New Bern, said the march was a “cruel joke” and the participants were “used by the organizers under the guise of women’s rights.”

The News & Observer wrote about Speciale’s Facebook post in its Jan. 30 Under The Dome feature.
Speciale took to Facebook again to take the News & Observer to task for reporting on his social media post.
“They are actually focused on writing stories about Facebook posts,” he said. “What happened to journalism? It has truly rock bottomed with papers like this and writers like the writer of these articles.”
“The march WAS A JOKE. Hey, offended snowflakes, the march was not about women or women’s rights, it was about pushing a liberal agenda,” Speciale said in the post. “Pro-life women not allowed! There were, however, women dressed as vaginas, and little girls holding signs with the “F” word and more.”
Speciale wrote that there were topless women at the marches, said some didn’t even know what they were marching about and suggested that the News & Observer was making news out of nothing.
Two other North Carolina Republicans subsequently apologized for social media posts they made about the march.
State Sen. Joyce Krawiec of Kernersville tweeted of “crazies” at the march: “If Brains were lard, you couldn’t grease a small skillet.”
The state’s new insurance commissioner, Mike Causey, shared a Facebook post that showed a street filled with marchers and said: “In one day, Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years.”