Meanwhile, North Korea and Venezuela sign military agreement

FPI / October 15, 2019

By Richard Fisher,

On Oct. 2 in Pyongyang, one day after North Korea’s latest missile test, Venezuela and North Korea “signed a series of agreements pledging military and technological cooperation,” according to a report by South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency.

Kim Jong-Un and Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela already imports most of its modern weaponry from Russia, including Sukhoi-30 multirole fighters and S-300V long range surface-to-air missiles.

From China, the Maduro regime imports the Norinco armored cars and riot control vehicles it uses to counter massive protests.

But to the degree that Venezuela has come to fear American military intervention following months of U.S. sanctions and political pressure, it has to be considered that the regime of Nicolas Maduro may be interested in purchasing North Korean long-range missiles, or even missile submarines.

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