Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, August 18, 2022
With the same fervor the Department of Justice is using to pursue Trump supporters who were at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, investigators are going after pretty much anyone in former President Donald Trump’s orbit who assisted Trump in his contesting of the 2020 presidential election. Especially in the state of Georgia.
Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s top supporters during the contesting of the 2020 vote, was forced to appear Wednesday before a grand jury in Georgia in a criminal investigation of what Democrats and their media allies call the “Big Lie.”

Giuliani, who was Trump’s personal attorney in 2020, is a target of the Fulton County investigation into Trump and his team and their push to reveal what they claimed were massive fraud and irregularities in Georgia’s 2020 elections, according to one of Giuliani’s lawyers.
In an interview with The Associated Press after six hours of testimony, Giuliani said Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had concluded his appearance by saying he had “satisfied his obligation under the subpoena.”
Trump said in a statement: “So, let me get this straight! In the Great State of Georgia, if you want to challenge or protest Election results in any way, shape, or form (despite the fact that in Atlanta, murders and crime are the highest in the Nation, with many people dying each month — at numbers never seen before), they will charge you and put you in jail. But if you kill people, you will quickly be set free to murder again. Isn’t there something ‘slightly’ wrong with this scenario? A PERFECT PHONE CALL!”
Fulton County Superior Court Judge Judge Robert McBurney on Aug. 9 ordered Giuliani to make the trip to Atlanta “on train or a bus or Uber,” after his attorneys sought to postpone the testimony, citing two notes written by a doctor advising Giuliani not to fly following an early-summer heart stent operation. Giuliani resides in New York City. An Uber from NYC to Atlanta would cost about $2,000.
Asked about his method of travel to Atlanta, Giuliani replied, “I’ll tell you one thing, I didn’t walk.”
Giuliani has been described in court documents as a “material witness” in the case. But on Monday, a Fulton County prosecutor informed one of his attorneys, Bill Thomas, that Giuliani is now considered a target of the investigation.
Also subpoenaed in the case is South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who called Raffensperger twice after the election. A federal judge on Monday denied Graham’s motion to quash the subpoena, and ordered him to appear before the special grand jury on Aug. 23. Graham said he would appeal.
The special grand jury was empaneled in January at Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s request. She indicated that the investigation was spurred by a Jan. 2, 2021, phone call between Trump and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Raffensperger is among the dozens of state officials and Trump associates who have been subpoenaed since May.
The well-funded anti-Trump cabal also have the long knives out for attorney and Trump supporter Lin Wood.
Wood noted in an Aug. 10 post on Telegram:
“The State Bar of Georgia is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of its members’ dues to try to discipline me and revoke my law license.
“The GA Bar is coming after me for an election complaint which I did not draft, sign, or file!!! Its lawyers claim I ‘participated’ in the filing of a ‘baseless’ election complaint. No court has ever held that Sidney Powell’s election complaint was baseless. As I understand it, the complaint was dismissed for lack of standing.
“The GA Bar ‘lawyers’ never interviewed Harry McDougald, the Georgia lawyer who admitted under oath that he drafted, signed, and filed the Powell election complaint and that I did NOT. Harry, a courageous and excellent lawyer, is not being persecuted or prosecuted by the GA Bar.
“The above facts are undisputed. They establish disparate treatment. I am being targeted. Knowingly and intentionally. Such conduct is an egregious violation of the Constitutional right to equal protection of the law.”
In a subsequent post, Wood added: “In Georgia, the State Bar will also go to extraordinary efforts and expense to steal your license to practice law if you are branded a pro-Trump lawyer. The Scarlett Letter of T. I also know Georgia lawyers who are being threatened with criminal prosecution and jail for merely allowing their names to be listed as alternative electors. I know one who has had to put his house up for sale because of the commies’ efforts to destroy him, his family, and his law practice and livelihood. Tyranny. No rule of law. Communism. Banana Republic. Lawfare. Marc Elias. The 65 Project. David Brock. David ‘Rat’ Fink.”
Wood added in a separate post that changes in election procedures in the 2020 presidential election “were made in many states without the legally REQUIRED approval of the state legislatures. The changes primarily dealt with mail ballots.”
“In November of 2020, I filed a lawsuit in my name challenging the legality of the Georgia election for this very reason. The U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari review of the dismissal of my case which was dismissed by the lower courts based on the erroneous ruling that a voter does not have ‘standing’ to sue for an unconstitutional dilution of his or her vote.”
Wood continued: “As I have reflected over time on the issue of why the U.S. Supreme Court did not accept a review of my Georgia election lawsuits, I think I know the answer. Well-established law would have required the court to essentially void the November 2020 election.
“Given the level of brainwashing that led people to believe that Bribes had won an ‘election’ that he clearly lost, civil war would have likely broken out based on claims that ‘the Trump court’ had carried out a ‘coup’ to install President Trump in office for four more years. The enemy would blame President Trump for the ‘coup’ and massive civil unrest would have been fomented by the enemy.
“There must be a more effective option for correcting the egregious wrongdoing that occurred in November of 2020. Hopefully, a more peaceful option…..
Whatever it is, it will first require that the people be unbrainwashed to reject the lie and face the TRUTH of the November 2020 “election. Only time will tell the fate of our republic. May God continue to bless America.”
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