by WorldTribune Staff, November 17, 2020
Despite the major media anointing him as such, Joe Biden is not the “president-elect,” Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Tuesday.
Until President Donald Trump concedes or states have certified the result and court cases have been dismissed, Biden is not president-elect, the South Carolina Republican told the Wall Street Journal.

“If there is no concession there is a contest,” Graham said. “If there is a contest in court and the party loses, that’s the end of the contest. There is no way to overturn a election other than a court of law.”
Another Republican, Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, said it’s premature to describe Biden as president-elect.
“We don’t know yet who’s going to end up being the eventual winner on that,” Lankford told Just The News. “Joe Biden, for instance, has been receiving intel briefings for month at this point but those stopped as soon as the election occurred until we know who the actual winner is. I think we should continue doing the briefings the same as it was during the campaign time period because we’re still in the campaign.”
In other developments:
Dominion Voting Systems has confirmed, as was reported by on Nov. 6, that it made a donation to the Clinton Foundation. Dominion also did not dispute that it hired a former staffer of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a lobbyist.
Related: Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in battleground states, November 6, 2020
The Denver-based voting systems provider first contended that it has no ties to Smartmatic, another voting software maker, but it did note that the two firms worked together in the Philippines and said it bought some assets from Smartmatic-linked Sequoia about 10 years ago, adding that the two companies had legal disputes. Some Trump campaign officials made claims in recent interviews that Smartmatic had links to Dominion.
Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell alleged that Smartmatic and Dominion were a large part of massive fraud in the 2020 election.
“We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said on Fox Business, adding that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up.”
“They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” Powell said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”
“We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used — and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell said.
Trey Trainor, head of the Federal Election Commission, said in a tweet Tuesday that he believes Powell’s claim of widespread election fraud.
Trainor called Powell “forthright and honest in every case she’s ever taken on,” adding that, “if she says there is rampant voter fraud in #Election2020, I believe her.”
More than 400 Republican voters say they requested mail-in ballots, filled them out, and returned them, but the state absentee voting data says the ballots weren’t returned, according to a fraud detection team that contacted the voters, The Epoch Times reported on Tuesday.
If the results are representative of the whole state, they could throw into question the election result.
Biden currently leads by less than 75,000 votes in the state, according to unofficial results.
More than 500 voters said they received mail-in ballots despite not requesting them, according to the fraud detection team.
The team was put together by Matt Braynard, former data and strategy director for Trump’s 2016 election campaign. The team analyzed the data and set up a call center to verify election inconsistencies in several states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, where the Trump campaign is contesting the results.
Of the “many thousands” called, the team managed to reach 1,706 Pennsylvania registered Republican voters who, according to the state data, received mail-in ballots, Braynard said in a Nov. 16 series of tweets and later in an email to The Epoch Times.
Nearly a third of the voters (556) said they never requested the ballot.
Of the 1,137 who did request a ballot, nearly 40 percent (453) said they mailed the ballots back, but the state data shows the ballots weren’t received or counted, Braynard said.
Some 165,000 Pennsylvania Republicans were mailed ballots but weren’t marked as having returned them, Braynard said.
Citing several discrepancies in the Nov. 3 election, Clark County officials on Monday announcing they were throwing out one county commissioner’s race that had finished with a razor-thin margin.
A special election will be held next month for that single seat as officials acknowledged the discrepancies they uncovered highlighted problems with their current system.
“We have found discrepancies that we can’t explain that would cast a doubt on whether or not that margin of victory is solid,” Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria said referring to the District C race.
Gloria revealed that in nearly 1,000 ballots “they had found the discrepancies in tracking, moving from signature to manual signature verifications, as well as in the ballot curing process. Some of the discrepancies found in the early voting and election day results included: Inadvertent canceled votes; voter check-ins; reactivated voter cards; duplicate activations; and check-in errors.”
Trump called the news out of Nevada “a big victory,” and suggested that the issue could be evidence of a wider problem in the state.
“Big victory moments ago in the State of Nevada,” Trump tweeted. “The all Democrat County Commissioner race, on the same ballot as President, just thrown out because of large scale voter discrepancy. Clark County officials do not have confidence in their own election security. Major impact!”
Molly Forgey, the communications director for the Nevada State Democratic Party, tweeted that Trump and his supporters on social media are working to “spin” the story because they can’t get over the fact that Biden will be the next president.
Trump has insisted that he will be declared the winner of the presidential election and has said it is important to make sure that every legal vote is counted.
Richard Grenell, the former acting director of national intelligence, responded to Forgey’s tweet, and said the Nevada Democrat Party is in “full panic mode.”
“Clark County throws out an entire race because of fraud,” Grenell tweeted. “The entire County’s ballots are now suspect—and the Democrat Party is freaking out.”
In what the state’s voting systems manager called “an amazing blunder,” the recount in Georgia has found that more than 2,600 votes in one conservative county were never tabulated.
According to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, more than 2,600 ballots in Floyd County were not counted because a county election official didn’t upload a ballot-scanning machine’s memory card.
According to the report, the blunder cost Trump about 800 net votes — 1,643 of the new votes were for him and 865 for Biden.
Before the recount began, Biden led by about 14,000 votes.
Luke Martin, chairman of the Floyd County Republican Party, said the newly found votes had been cast in person during early voting at the Floyd County Administration Building.
Two Los Angeles men were charged with voter fraud after submitting more than 8,000 fraudulent registration applications on behalf of homeless people.
Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, 53, and Marcos Raul Arevalo, 34, were charged in a 41-count criminal complaint, according to a report by NBC Los Angeles.
The pair faces one count of conspiracy to commit voter fraud, eight counts of voter fraud, four counts of procuring and offering a false or forged instrument and four misdemeanor counts of interference with a prompt transfer of a completed affidavit, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
Montenegro is also facing an additional 10 counts of voter fraud, seven counts of procuring and offering a false or forged instrument, two counts of perjury and five misdemeanor counts of interference with a prompt transfer of a completed affidavit.
Montenegro faces a maximum sentence of 15 years and eight months in state prison. Arevalo faces a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.
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