by WorldTribune Staff, July 9, 2023
The human trafficking thriller “Sound of Freedom” has opened to overwhelming success at the box office and rave reviews from audiences who have seen it. Since its opening on July 4, the film by Angel Studios has made more than $40 million at the box office. It cost $14.5 million to make the film.
Reports and social media posts from around the country have detailed how many theaters featuring “Sound of Freedom” were experiencing sudden air conditioning problems during the hot July weekend. Some said the air conditioning was out in only the theaters showing “Sound of Freedom” at multiplexes.
Jack Posobiec of Human Events wrote in a Telegram post that he was told “Sound of Freedom is in discussion with theaters having A/C issues this hot weekend and they are working together to make sure everyone gets to see this movie. Theaters are standing tall and continuing to show the film, despite the massive media attack machine!”
“Sound of Freedom”, Posobiec added, is “going up against the biggest corporations in the world. It’s taken them all by surprise and they’re lashing out in panic. But SOF doesn’t have their budgets, they only have the people. Sound of Freedom is the People’s Movie!!”
The film is based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a former U.S. government agent who quits his job to rescue children from global sex traffickers. It is also faith-based and has been a hit with conservatives. Those are trigger warnings for the Left and, oh, how the Left has been triggered by “Sound of Freedom”.
Rolling Stone’s Miles Klee called it a “Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms” and a “QAnon-tinged thriller” that is “designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.”
The Guardian’s critic called it a “QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America.”
The Washington Post also had to get in the QAnon angle, saying that the star of “Sound of Freedom”, Jim Caviezel, “has openly embraced the extreme movement.”
Posobiec noted in a Telegram post: “Here’s what they won’t admit. The entire media calling ‘Sound of Freedom’ a QAnon film ignores the fact that it was made in 2017-2018 before QAnon really even got going. I know why they’re doing this, just had to point it out.”
The Post also went out of its way to point out that the film has been “promoted on QAnon message boards” and plays into the theory that “global elites are kidnapping children, having sex with them and harvesting their blood.”
Ballard, in an interview with Jordan Peterson, addressed this and explained that blood and organ harvesting is “very real.” He has posted a video on Instagram showing a raid where this occurred in Western Africa.
Ballard added: “So, I might say something like that and then they connect it to something a QAnon person says about a celebrity who must be doing this too. But there’s no evidence to back that. They make a false connection there.”
Meanwhile, the Post Millennial’s Thomas Stevenson noted that The Washington Post and Rolling Stone, aside from attempting to link “Sound of Freedom” to QAnon, praised the movie “Cuties”, in which little girls are sexualized in a twerk-dancing crew.
One statement from Rolling Stone said the backlash at Cuties was just part of a “tactic [that] has its roots in conspiracy theorist circles, such as the QAnon community.”
The Post called “Cuties” an “unflinching look at what it means to be a preteen girl,” adding it is the “kind of story that isn’t told well very often, and deserves to be told more.”
One of the most quoted lines from “Sound of Freedom” is: “God’s children are not for sale.”
That alone is enough to trigger leftists.
Jezebel and the Guardian have tried to discredit the hit new film, Sound of Freedom, linking it with conspiracy theories.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 8, 2023
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