Latest Twitter Files suggest Fauci lied under oath

by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News April 23, 2023

The latest release of the Twitter Files suggests that Dr. Anthony Fauci used Twitter to disseminate the federal government’s official Covid and vaccine narratives despite testifying under oath that he had never used the social media platform.

Investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker noted in releasing what he called the “Fauci Pharma Files” that, at a deposition in November 2022 as part of the state of Missouri’s lawsuit against the Biden administration, Fauci testified under oath that he had never used Twitter. He would later repeat that claim to the media.

The lawsuit, filed May 5, 2022 by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana and several medical experts, nonprofit groups and publications, alleges government officials colluded with and coerced social media platforms to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints and content” related to Covid.

During his sworn deposition in the lawsuit on Nov. 23, 2022, Fauci was asked if he ever had “any communications with anybody removing speech about the lab leak theory of the origins of Covid from social media platforms.”

In his response, Fauci stated: “I don’t have an account. I don’t tweet. I don’t pay attention to social media. I wouldn’t know how to access a tweet if you paid me.”

Some on the Left have suggested that Fauci’s name may have been on the Twitter account but he had nothing to do with the tweets.

Writing on, Thacker quoted Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., a professor of medicine (on leave) from Harvard University, who is one of the plaintiffs in the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit. Kulldorff said Fauci is “involved even if he doesn’t write the tweets.”

“To me that’s explosive, and it seems he lied under oath,” added Kuldorff.

In statements delivered on Feb. 28 to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Kulldorff characterized the set of public health responses to COVID-19 as the “worst public health mistakes in history.”

In a Jan. 13, 2023 appearance on Fox News, Fauci said: “A lot of people are spouting out a lot of things about me and Twitter. I’ve never had a Twitter account. I don’t intend on having a Twitter account, and I’ve had nothing to do with Twitter. So, I don’t know what they’re talking about when they say that.”

Thacker reported in releasing the Twitter Files that internal documents from the social media company reveal that Fauci not only was familiar with Twitter, but he was actively involved in the dissemination of establishment narratives about the so-called Covid vaccines.

An internal Twitter report from March 2021 stated that “Dr. Anthony Fauci did an account takeover for [the account] @WHCOVIDresponse.”

Thacker also revealed an April 2021 tweet by the @WHCOVIDresponse [White House COVID response] account stating that “Dr. Fauci will take over this account,” enabling the public to “Hear directly from our public health experts as they take to Twitter to answer questions about COVID-19 and the vaccines.”

In another example highlighted by Thacker in the latest Twitter Files, Fauci was asked “multiple questions” during his deposition “about a 2020 study that Nature Medicine published that downplayed the possibility that the pandemic started from a lab in Wuhan,” a study which, according to Thacker, Fauci “helped orchestrate.”

During his deposition and on other occasions, Fauci said he remembered “reading” the Nature paper. According to Thacker though, Fauci, “no longer under oath,” told The New York Times in late March that he was not sure if he ever got around to reading the paper.

Still, Fauci continues to enjoy the unwavering backing of many loyal “supporters,” according to Thacker, who do not question any of Fauci’s actions or statements.

“These supporters fawn over him and don’t care if he tells the truth, no matter what he does … He could walk through the quad of any major research university and shoot someone and no one would care,” Thacker said.

Thacker told The Defender: “I think the guy just lies all the time. He lied about gain-of-function research … about funding this gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I don’t know why he does this, but from people I’ve spoken to, I’ve been told this is just what he does: He lies. For most of his career, he’s been this very well-known scientist, but not on a global public stage where he’s being looked at from all directions. Now that he’s being looked at, people have begun to notice that he says things that don’t add up.”

Thacker added: “There’s more stories coming … I have a lot more documents to go through,” adding that many journalists who ignored the “Twitter files” or have been “attacking the reporters” who have released these documents “were the favored reporters of Twitter, and there’s emails on that.”

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