by WorldTribune Staff, June 1, 2016
In a new propaganda campaign, Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) is demanding Muslims around the globe destroy their TV satellite dishes to stop the “broadcast of apostasy and adultery” that “destroy Muslims’ ethics.”
The social media campaign, which even includes calls on Muslims to stop watching Arabic-language news, is titled “Break the Satellite” and depicts scenes of ISIL jihadists smashing TVs and satellite dishes, which at one point they crush with a tractor.

“The enemies of Islam are waging a media war against the Islamic State that is no less dangerous than the military campaign,” one of the videos, released by ISIL’s so-called Raqqa Province, says. It warns of a “media campaign targeting the Muslims and their homes, aiming to destroying their beliefs and pollute their ethics.”
In another video, a young ISIL member calls on Muslims “to destroy the dish, as it is full apostasy, adultery, and prostitution. The infidels have invented it to corrupt the Muslims’ ethics.”
An older ISIL member, from Mosul, describes television and satellite dishes as “a door for corruption and destruction” that are “used to bring the ideas of the West, its principles, and its values, and put them in the hearts of Muslims.”
In December, ISIL issued a decree forbidding people in its areas of control from buying, circulating, promoting, using, or repairing satellite dishes.