by WorldTribune Staff, July 6, 2023
The movie box office website Box Office Mojo confirmed that “Sound of Freedom” outperformed “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” on July 4.
The fifth Indiana Jones movie made $11,698,989. Sound of Freedom made $14,242,063.
Even more impressive is that “Sound of Freedom”, co-written and directed by Alejandro Monteverde, cost just $14.5 million to make according to the Wall Street Journal. The Indiana Jones movie had a budget of at least $295 million, according to Deadline.

“Sound of Freedom”, by Angel Studios, is based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a former U.S. government agent who quits his job to rescue children from global sex traffickers.
Big Media have all but ignored “Sound of Freedom”.
Writing for the Jewish Journal, David Suissa noted in reference to the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Hollywood Reporter, etc. “Except for Variety, I keep coming up empty. … The Times reviewed 65 films in June, but ‘Freedom’ wasn’t on the list. The film isn’t even listed on the website of review aggregator Metacritic, which usually lists pretty much every release.”
How can a film that examines an important subject and is also doing well at the box office be iced out?
“Sound of Freedom” literally rips the lid off a taboo news theme in the United States.
Suissa added: “The burden of proof is not on the film. It’s on the media companies. It’s one thing to review a movie and pan it. But to totally ignore it?”
Ignoring child sex trafficking is something Big Media has become accustomed to.
Last year, a documentary, “Conspiracy of Silence”, which exposed a series of horrific accusations made by alleged victims of a 1988 child sex trafficking ring based in Nebraska resurfaced.
Victims interviewed in the documentary said they were flown around the U.S. to be abused by high-ranking officials. They alleged the FBI “covered up” the shocking crimes they were subjected to.
Back in the 1980s, several alleged victims claimed that a man named Lawrence King ran an underground club in Omaha, Nebraska, through which he, along with well-known politicians, businessmen, and media moguls, are said to have forced children as young as eight-years-old to have sex with them.
In 1990, a Nebraska county grand jury concluded that the claims were a “hoax,” and a federal grand jury later agreed that the allegations had no base. However, in 1993, a film crew flew to Omaha to shed further light on the shocking accusations, interviewing the alleged victims and others who were said to be involved as part of the documentary.
In September 2012, CounterPunch had noted:
“The Omaha World-Herald was the foremost local cheerleader for persecuting teenagers instead of investigating their claims. One of its own columnists, Peter Citron, had a long history of arrests for pedophilia and child porn and was implicated by two witnesses at Larry King’s sex parties. The long-time publisher of the World-Herald, Harold Anderson, was a big supporter of Larry King and had raised money for the Franklin. During the 18 years that King presided over the Franklin, the newspaper never noticed that King was living a hugely expensive lifestyle when he was supposedly making $17,000 a year in salary. The World-Herald Company is co-owner of Election Software and Systems, which counts half the election ballots in the United States.>>
“King’s partner in crime in Washington appears to have been a man named Craig Spence, surely one of the oddest figures in the history of American politics. Once a correspondent for ABC in Vietnam, Spence subsequently made a living blackmailing rightwing politicians in Japan. In Washington, he had a large house that he used for parties. The house was bugged from floor to ceiling, and he often seemed to be in possession of information he could have learned only from the bugs. He bragged about his CIA connections. He was also in possession of White House china, proudly and illegally displayed in his house, that he likely grabbed on midnight tours of the George H. W. Bush White House. “Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush,” was the headline in the June 29, 1989 Washington Times. Sub-headline: “Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.” Spence, according to the article, was the organizer. Later articles said that Spence had been the tour guide on three more occasions and had a 15-year-old boy with him. At least one victim of the Omaha ring, Paul Bonacci, says he went on a late-night tour of the White House. Spence committed a convenient suicide later that year.”
The Daily Mail did an extensive review of the documentary in July of last year.
The topic has not been taboo at
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