Special to WorldTribune.com
By Ileana Johnson, Fairfax Free Citizen
Never has one American President been so vilified by the Left for doing so much good in America, in such a short period of time. He has given up so much wealth, luxury, comfort, and a good life in order to seek and win the Presidency of the U.S., the most difficult job in the world, and, for him specifically, the most thankless job in the world.
I cannot think of a better person to answer a three a.m. call when he must make a life and death decision for our country. He may tweet too much, talk at times off the cuff, but he is a shrewd and intelligent businessman who can read people and situations well, does not buckle in the face of pressure and adversity, rallies honestly most outcomes to his advantage, and wins in the end.
On any given day, our President fights hard to do what is right for our country, to strengthen our economy, to create jobs, to fix the ailing infrastructure, to repair the dismal Obamacare, and to represent the American people’s interests, all Americans, on the world stage.
He loves America, he beams with pride when the Pledge of Allegiance is recited, and he sings when our National Anthem is played. I cannot remember a President who was more proud of his country than President Donald Trump. He reminds me of a happy American who is able to buy or build his first home. President Trump’s first and most important home is America, a proud legacy for almost two and half centuries which he aims to protect and make even greater.
He is tireless and perennially positive, no matter how vicious the MSM attacks him or the progressive Hollywood mocks him. He ignores them like the “vermin” and “coelenterates” that they are, to use a famous talk show host favorite epithet for the media.
President Donald J. Trump has the energy and patriotism of many former Presidents rolled into one. Just looking at his busy calendar on any given day, it becomes quite clear that he works non-stop for America.
It is quite refreshing to see an energetic 71 year-young billionaire selflessly dedicate his every waking moment to all Americans’ wellbeing, half of whom trash him, demonstrate against him, vilify him, and make up fake and vile stories about him. These are anti-American, self-loathing humans who happen to live and share our space while making fortunes in the very environment they abhor.
President Trump is making great strides in fulfilling the campaign promises he had made. He delivered on the regulatory relief for America. He has strengthened relations with key allies, such as President Klaus Johannis of Romania, in the common strategic partnership for the fight against terrorism. He has presented a plan to rebuild America’s infrastructure. He has withdrawn the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, a move celebrated by those who believe that climate does not change because of human activity and a move disparaged by the left fear mongers who are angry that our taxpayers’ dollars will no longer be redistributed to the third world through U.N. schemes.
Between speeches to the Faith and Freedom Coalition, crashing a wedding at one resort, welcoming the Clemson Tigers at the White House, helping reopen a mine in Pennsylvania which had been closed by the draconian anti-carbon EPA regulations, creating jobs, bringing jobs back to America, and protecting those jobs in danger from cheap foreign labor, there is no doubt that President Donald Trump puts America first.
President Trump’s efforts are recognized and applauded by his supporters and the objective, real media does take notice.
- America’s small-business owners are highly confident about their prospects for the next year and optimistic about the state of the U.S. economy …
- The Trump administration has made approval of natural gas exports a key part of its energy and national security strategy. The U.S. is the world’s top producer of oil and gas due to the fracking and shale energy boom.
- By approaching the nation’s infrastructure problem like a businessman, Trump can actually deliver the goods—without spending the country into bankruptcy—by focusing on the real cause: Big Government itself.
This week our President Donald J. Trump dedicated his efforts to workforce development. As companies are struggling to fill vacancies that require skills and training that our workforce may or may not have, he hopes to close the skills gap and to make sure that Americans go to school to train for jobs that are available now and in the future.
Love him or hate him, we can sleep a little easier that President Trump is our President; we pray for his safety and his family’s; and we thank God every day that, for the next four years, we are in good, America-loving hands.
Ileana Johnson is a senior columnist for Canada Free Press, retired teacher with 30 years experience, best selling author of UN Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy at Amazon.