Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 25, 2023
“In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis.”
That kind of comment is guaranteed to get you on the bad side of the woke mob, not to mention canceled from any public appearances you might happen to have been scheduled for.
That is exactly what happened to the person who said it.
And the person who said it just happens to be a Nobel Prize winner in Physics.
Dr. John Clauser, who slammed the “climate emergency” narrative as a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people,” was due to speak to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on climate models. The speech was cancelled, and the page announcing the event was removed from the IMF’s website.
Clauser was due to speak to the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office on Thursday under the title: “Let’s talk – How much can we trust IPCC climate predictions?”
“It would appear that ‘not a lot’ isn’t the politically correct answer,” Chris Morrison wrote for the Daily Sceptic on July 23.
“Clauser is a longstanding critic of climate models and criticized the award of the Physics Nobel in 2021 for work on them. He is not alone, since many feel that climate models are primarily based on mathematics, and a history of failed opinionated climate predictions leave them undeserving of recognition at the highest level of pure science. Not that this opinion is shared by the green activist National Geographic magazine, which ran an article: ‘How climate models got so accurate they won a Nobel.’ ”
Earlier this month, Clauser observed that misguided climate science has “metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience.” This pseudoscience, he continued, “as become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other related ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis,” he added.
Clauser is not the first Nobel Physics laureate to dismiss the notion of a climate crisis. Clauser won his Nobel Prize for groundbreaking work in the field of quantum mechanics – the study of matter and light at a sub-atomic and atomic level. In 2010 he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Physics, considered the second most prestigious physics award after the Nobel.
Professor Ivar Giaever, a fellow laureate, is the lead signatory of the World Climate Declaration that states there is no climate emergency. It further argues that climate models are “not remotely plausible as global policy tools”.
The 1998 Nobel winner, Professor Robert Laughlin, has expressed the view that the climate is “beyond our power to control” and humanity cannot and should not do anything to respond to climate change.
“Attempts to model the chaotic and non-linear atmosphere suffer on many fronts,” Morrison wrote. “They fail to predict future temperatures with mostly laughably degrees of inaccuracy, and in the process do little more than guess the effect of natural forces such as volcanoes and clouds. In Clauser’s view, climate models greatly underestimate the effect of the clouds that cover half the Earth and provide a powerful – and dominant – thermostatic control of global temperatures.”
This month, Clauser told the Korea Quantum Conference that he didn’t believe there was a climate crisis, noting: “Key processes are exaggerated and misunderstood by approximately 200 times.”
Morrison concluded: “The cynical might add that this degree of exaggerated inaccuracy might be fine in the land of economics, but more robust standards should be encouraged in the world of science.”
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