Ilhan Omar: Progressives will push Biden to enact Green New Deal and ban fracking

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, October 27, 2020

The puppet masters are lining up to pull on Joe Biden’s strings.

Socialists and progressives in the Democrat Party often boast of how easily they will be able to manipulate the 77-year-old Biden if he wins the White House.

Rep. Ilhan Omar

Rep. Ilhan Omar told “Axios on HBO” that the progressive wing of the party expects a leftist turn by Biden.

“We will have a cohort of progressives that are very clear about their objectives for wanting the implementation of Medicare for All and a Green New Deal and raising the minimum wage and not allowing for fracking,” Omar said.

No matter how many times and how loudly he says he won’t, Biden will ban fracking. He will have to in order to shut down the oil and gas industry, which he has vowed to do. Also, Omar and “the squad” demand it and they are very confident that Biden will bend to their will.

Analysts have said that, on the low end, the Green New Deal will cost $93 trillion. A study by The Competitive Enterprise Institute and Power the Future found that the average American household in Florida, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Pennsylvania would pay more than $70,000 during the first year the Green New Deal is implemented.

As for Medicare for All, the Heritage Foundation noted: “Workers would have to pay additional taxes — 21.2 percent of all wage and salary income — raising the total federal payroll tax rate to 36.5 percent for most workers. Average disposable income for all households would decline by $5,671 per year. Nearly two-thirds of American households (65.5 percent, comprising 73.5 percent of the population) would pay more in taxes than they would save from no longer paying health insurance premiums and the absence of out-of-pocket medical spending. For households with employer-sponsored insurance, 87.2 percent would be worse off financially.”

Omar also said that police reform (defunding police), immigration reform (open borders) and campaign finance reform will be priorities if Biden is elected because Omar and other progressives expect to have a seat at the table during those discussions.

However long Biden is able to serve as president is of little concern to the puppet masters.

“There has been a level of responsiveness … to the policies that we are advocating for that we know will have not just a future in his administration, but a future in the upcoming administrations after his,” Omar said. “As progressives, we have a clear understanding of what the inside and outside game is.”

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