by WorldTribune Staff, March 19, 2017
In the early morning hours after a long election night, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said she received a call from the Clinton campaign that Team Hillary only a day earlier seemed confident would never happen.
“I look down – literally it was like a movie – my phone is ringing and it said “Huma Abedin” [Clinton’s longtime aide]. And I said, “Hey, Huma. What’s up?” Conway recalled during a talk at the National Review Institute’s Ideas Summit in Washington on March 17.

“And she’s absolutely lovely, she really is. And she’s like ‘Hi Kellyanne, Secretary Clinton would like to speak to Mr. Trump.’ ” And I said, “Now?” And she said, “Is he available?” And I said, “We’re very available!”
“And I handed [Trump] the phone. My husband took a screenshot of that – at 2:30 a.m. I handed him the phone and he and Vice President Pence and their wives were there and the rest is history.
“So that was just really a remarkable moment and I think it was a remarkable moment for anybody, any David fighting a Goliath, frankly,” Conway said.
President Donald Trump’s campaign manager, now a top adviser in the new administration, said that the night before the election, she and Clinton’s team spoke over email about when the concession call would happen.
“Robby Mook (Clinton’s campaign manager) had agreed the night before through an email to me that within 15 minutes of the AP calling the race for Secretary Clinton, they would wait 15 minutes and then she would take to the podium and declare victory,” Conway said.
“So he was basically saying that you have 15 minutes for Mr. Trump to get out there [and give a concession speech] or she’s going to declare victory either way.
“And then he said in the event that Mr. Trump wins, Secretary Clinton will call him within 15 minutes of the AP,” Conway said with a wink, implying that Clinton staffers were confident their boss would win.
Following the concession call from Clinton, Trump gave his victory speech – marking a break with tradition since the loser of the race usually gives a concession speech first.