Greenpeace co-founder: There is ‘no climate emergency’

by WorldTribune Staff, September 13, 2022

The co-founder of Greenpeace said leftists who have hijacked the environmental movement are “primarily focused on creating narratives, stories, that are designed to instill fear and guilt into the public so the public will send them money.”

“Greenpeace was ‘hijacked’ by the political left when they realized there was money and power in the environmental movement. [Left-leaning] political activists in North America and Europe changed Greenpeace from a science-based organization to a political fundraising organization,” Patrick Moore said in an email obtained by The Epoch Times.

Patrick Moore

Moore, who left Greenpeace in 1986, 15 years after he co-founded the organization, backs up the claim that there, in fact, is “no climate emergency.”

The so-called leaders of the environmentalists today “mainly operate behind closed doors with other political operatives at the UN, World Economic Forum, and so on, all of which are primarily political in nature,” Moore wrote.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] is “not a science organization,” he said. “It is a political organization composed of the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program. The IPCC hires scientists to provide them with ‘information’ that supports the ‘climate emergency’ narrative.”

The political “campaigns against fossil fuels, nuclear energy, CO2, plastic, etc., are misguided and designed to make people think the world will come to an end unless we cripple our civilization and destroy our economy. They are now a negative influence on the future of both the environment and human civilization,” Moore wrote.

“Today the Left has adopted many policies that would be very destructive to civilization as they are not technically achievable. Only look at the looming energy crisis in Europe and the UK, which Putin is taking advantage of. But it is of their own making in refusing to develop their own natural gas resources, opposing nuclear energy, and adopting an impossible position on fossil fuels in general,” Moore wrote.

Moore said the environmental apocalypse theory is mostly about “political power and control,” adding that he is dedicated to showing people that the situation is not as negative as they are told.

“Today, in the richest countries, our descendants are making decisions that our grandchildren will have to pay for,” he said. “Predictions that the world is coming to an end have been made for thousands of years. Not once has this come true. Why should we believe it now?”

Moore said the young generation today are being taught that humans are not worthy and are destroying the Earth. This indoctrination has made them feel guilty and ashamed of themselves, which is the wrong way to go about life, he said.

“Climate alarmists prefer to discuss climate knowledge only since 1850. The time before this they referred to as the pre-industrial age. This ‘pre-industrial age’ was more than 3 billion years when life was on the Earth. Many climate changes [occurred during that period], including Ice Ages, Hothouse Ages, major extinctions due to asteroid impacts, and other unknown causes,” Moore said.

“Today, the Earth is in the Pleistocene Ice Age, which began 2.6 million years ago. … So, the most recent major glaciation, which peaked 20,000 years ago, was not the end of the Ice Age. We are still in the Pleistocene Ice Age no matter how the climate alarmists wish to deny this,” Moore said.

Moore said the great irony of the present panic about the climate is that the Earth is colder today than it was for 250 million years before the Pleistocene Ice Age set in. And CO2 is lower now than in more than 95 percent of Earth’s history.

“But you would never know this if you listen to all the people who benefit from the lie that the Earth will soon be too hot for life and that CO2 will become higher than in Earth’s history,” Moore said.

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