Special to WorldTribune.com, August 28, 2016
For just one week, I perused 14 newspapers and found 119 anti-Trump articles – 25 from the New York Times, 16 from The Wall Street Journal, 22 from The Washington Post, 19 from USA Today (7 in one paper), 9 from the Los Angeles Times, and 8 from The Boston Globe… What they want to do is to destroy Trump and any semblance of what he and his millions of supporters might want. I found maybe two or three somewhat pro-Trump articles and virtually none that were anti-Hillary. Look for yourself.… Today’s mainstream media have nothing to do with the once-great tenets of American journalism. Like Pravda they do little more than spew propaganda. – David Morgan
By David Morgan, Publisher, Asheville Tribune
I entered the publishing business some 20 years ago. At the time I had been in the furniture manufacturing business for a number of years and became very concerned that the major media outlets were not telling the people the truth about what was going on in the government. So I decided to get into publishing.
At that time, I wrote, “a great hunger for truth roams our communities, and yet the mainstream media continues on its course of undermining our Constitutional Republic by failing to do its job. The American people are struggling to find factual, hard-hitting, analytical information upon which to make decisions. It is our belief that the First Amendment was placed ‘first’ so that the people, media, and journalists would always be able to investigate and report on government corruption and hidden truths. The media was supposed to act as a check and balance on the government.” I was hoping that things would get better. And with the advent of the internet and a few other media outlets they did get a little better.
However, recently for a number of reasons, a great deal of progress has been undermined as the elite media focused more and more inward. It has become obvious for all to see.
Today’s mainstream media have nothing to do with the once-great tenets of American journalism. What they as a group are producing is as sorry a display of ‘journalism’ as could possibly be found anywhere. Like Pravda they do little more than spew propaganda. Today, the independent American journalism that guided and empowered this young nation is dead.
These hacks have simply become the front line offense for the liberal agenda with no lack of shame. ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today have absolutely no respect for anyone except their own clique and naked partisans.
What they do want to do is to destroy Trump and any semblance of what he and his millions of supporters might want. He has got to be bludgeoned and bludgeoned until all is gone.
They don’t give two cents about the truth of matters.
Regrettably, the reason for that is fairly simple. Elite media journalists really just don’t know what the news is anymore. And they don’t care.
They gulp down the liberal agendas foisted on them so fast and spew them out with such venom that they betray their cluelessness. It’s sickening to see it happening.
Not wanting to believe what seemed to be happening, I decided to take a quick reality check. For approximately one week – Aug 10 thru Aug 18 – I decided to peruse the country looking at headlines in some of the various ‘mainstream’ papers.
Just suspecting what might be going on in no way prepared me for what I found. It was truly disgusting. I was staring into the bowels of a pathological nightmare of gleefully jumping gargoyles pretending that they knew something.
Below, you can read the headlines that I found. Mind you this was after about one week of looking. (And I did not spend all my time looking. It was too sickening.)
I perused 14 newspapers and found 119 anti-Trump articles – 25 from the New York Times, 16 from The Wall Street Journal, 22 from The Washington Post, 19 from USA Today (7 in one paper), 9 from the Los Angeles Herald, and 8 from The Boston Globe. In case you were wondering, I found maybe two or three somewhat pro-Trump articles and virtually no anti-Hillary ones. Look for yourself.
The pathetic part is that what is happening is not letting up nor slowing down. Go take a day and see what you can find.
No wonder papers are failing. Mainstream journalism is dead, and newspapers are in a free fall. Hopefully, some may wake up before they hit bottom.
This is a partial result of my survey:
Aug. 10
Trump Suggests Gun Owners Could Stop Clinton Agenda
New York Times, by Nick Corasanity and Maggie Haberman
Donald Trump’s Support Among Republican Women Starts to Slide
New York Times, By Michael Barbaro and Amy Chozick
Trump’s ambiguous wink to ‘Second Amendment people’
New York Times, By Thomas L. Friedman
Further Into the Muck With Mr. Trump
New York Times, Editorial
New Flap for Trump over Gun Comments
The Wall Street Journal, By Beth Reinhard & Janet Hook
Trump Runs Against Both Parties
The Wall Street Journal, By Holman Jenkins
It’s Clinton’s Election to Lose
The Wall Street Journal, By William Galston
Trump And Taxes: Don’t Look Behind the Curtain
The Wall Street Journal, By Alan Blinder
Donald Trump is uniquely unqualified – and these folks would know
The Charlotte Observer, Editorial
Trump: ‘Second Amendment people’ might stop Clinton from picking judges
The News and Observer, Bryan Anderson
Aug. 11
Clinton to Attack Trump on Tax Plan in Michigan Speech
The New York Times, By Amy Chozick
Is Trump Wrecking Both Parties?
The New York Times, By Thomas B. Edsall
Hey, Trump Republicans: Our view. If you care for your party or your country, why are you still riding this runaway train?
USA Today, Editorial
Under fire, Trump always blames media
USA Today, By Rem Rieder
Trump suggests ‘2nd Amendment people’ could stop Clinton
USA Today, By Eliza Collins
Americans Questioned on Trump
USA Today, Olympic Section, By Alan Gomez
‘2nd Amendment’ Comment nags Trump, alarms critics
USA Today, By Daniel Jackson
The runaway Trump train goes even farther off the rails
USA Today, Editorial: Our View
Clinton: Trump’s plans show he is not the side of the ‘little guy’
The Washington Post, By John Wagner & Jim Tankersley
The one thing keeping Trump from becoming president
The Washington Post, By Paul Waldman
“…a great hunger for truth roams our communities, and yet the mainstream media continues on its course of undermining our Constitutional Republic by failing to do its job.”
How many Republicans will Trump take down?
The Washington Post, By Jennifer Rubin
Clinton speaks Mormon while Trump speaks nonsense
The Washington Post, By Stephen Stromberg
Republican Officials Ask RNC to Stop Funding Trump Campaign
The Wall Street Journal, By Reid J. Epstein
Was Trump’s 2nd Amendment reference clumsy phrasing, or a call to violence?
Los Angeles Times, By Scott Martelle
It isn’t enough for Republicans to repudiate Donald Trump. They should endorse Hillary Clinton
Los Angeles Times, By Paul Thornton
As Trump stumbles, supporters worry that an ‘amateur politician’ is blowing it
The Washington Post, By Jenna Johnson
The final insult: Donald Trump is a bore
The Washington Post, By Fred Hiatt
How Donald Trump’s Assertions About Obamacare Premium Increases Can’t Be True
The Wall Street Journal, By Drew Altman
“Today’s mainstream media and journalists are no longer journalists. They are far worse than Pravda, and do little more than spit out propaganda. Today, journalism is dead.”
In Down-Ballot Primaries, Bright Spots for Republicans Turned Off by Donald Trump
The Wall Street Journal, By John Feehery
Who will lead the post-Trump Republican Party?
By The Chicago Tribune, Jennifer Rubin
Donald Trump is insulting his way down a losing path
The Chicago Tribune, By Clarence Page
Donald Trump’s economic reset shortchanges his base
The Chicago Tribune, By Clarence Page
Rubio stands by calling Trump ‘con man,’ but still backs him
Miami Herald, By Patricia Mazzei
Biden: Don’t hire a president famous for firing other people
Miami Herald, By William Douglas
Trump Revamps Message, but is It Too Late?
USA Today, By David Jackson
Kaine Hits at Trump’s ‘Extreme Vetting’
USA Today, By Eliza Collins
More Polls in Battleground States showing Clinton in Front of Trump
USA Today,By Eliza Collins
‘Trump 3.0’ Changes: Too much too Late?
USA Today, By David Jackson
Clinton: Trump Would Use Presidency to Enrich Himself over Workers
USA Today, By Heidi M. Przybyla
In Trumpland, Only His Speech is Free
USA Today, By Kirsten Powers
Aug. 20
Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties
The New York Times, By Susanne Craig
If you’re worried about rigged elections, look at Trump’s tactics first
LA Times, By Richard Hasen
The silver lining of the Trump campaign: Now we can’t deny our racism or xenophobia
LA Times, By Rosa Brooks
Donald Trump’s media obsession led him to hire the head of a far-right news site to run his campaign
LA Times, By Noah Bierman
It’s hard to imagine a much worse pitch Donald Trump could have made for the black vote
The Washington Post, By Philip Bump
A turbulent week for Trump overshadows Clinton’s vulnerabilities
The Washington Post, By Dab Balz
In Trump’s Empire, Hazy Ties and $650 Million in Debt
The New York Times, By Susanne Craig
How Can America Recover From Donald Trump?
The New York Times, By The Editorial Board
To Trump, Even Losing Is Winning
The New York Times, By Neal Gabler
Trump’s New High of New Lows
The New York Times, By Thomas Vinciguerra
Republicans Worry a Falling Donald Trump Tide Will Lower All Boats
The New York Times, By Jonathan Martin
Donald Trump’s Crucial Pillar of Support, White Men, Shows Weakness
The New York Times, By Jeremy W. Peters
Which ‘wrong thing’ does Trump regret saying, exactly?
The Washington Post, Editorial
If Donald Trump were black, would the GOP base accept him? The answer is obvious
LA Times, By James Kirchick
Will a traffic plan at Trump’s new D.C. hotel block free speech?
The Washington Post, By Colbert King
Trump refuses to disclose his bundlers. What is he hiding?
The Washington Post, Editorial
How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble
The Washington Post, By Philip Bump
GOP could be near Trump breaking point; frustration abounds
The Seattle Times, By Steve Peoples, Jill Colvin, and Josh Lederman
Trump trending down in key state of Pennsylvania
San Francisco Chronicle, By Joe Garofoli
Trump upsets Filipinos with proposal to block immigration
San Francisco Chronicle, By John Wildermuth
The Latest: Trump camp goes on tear against the media
Boston Herald, The Associated Press
Trump Again Claims ‘Sarcasm’ After Controversial Remarks
Bloomberg Politics, By Mike Dorning
Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Top Trump Aide
New York Times, By Andrew E. Kramer, Mike McIntire and Barry Meier
Donald Trump: The Populist in a Bubble
The Wall Street Journal, By Janet Hook
Would you trust Trump to handle nukes? Republican Senators won’t say
The Washington Post, By Greg Sargent
Republicans deliver letter to RNC urging it to divert money from Trump, to congressional races
The Washington Post, By Katie Zezima
Report: Roger Ailes is advising Trump. Of course he is!
The Washington Post, By Eric Wimple
The phony populism of Donald Trump
The Washington Post, Katrina vanden Heuvel
A new poll gives the lie to Donald Trump’s least-believable campaign argument
The Washington Post, By Philip Bump
Opinion: Trump Misses the Point on Tech Visas
The Wall Street Journal, Jason L Riley
How Do Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Go over in the Middle East? Dangerously
The New York Times, By Michael Wahid Hanna
Mr. Trump’s Foreign Policy Confusions
The New York Times, Editorial
Why Donald Trump’s Test for Immigrants Won’t Work
The New York Times, By Anna North
“…what I found…was truly disgusting. I was staring into the bowels of a pathological nightmare of gleefully jumping gargoyles pretending they knew something.”
NBC chairman blasts Donald Trump in private Facebook post
The Boston Globe, By Lynn Elber
Breaking down Trump’s urgent, confounding plan to fight terrorism
The Boston Globe, By Evan Horowitz
The voters Trump drives from the GOP aren’t likely to return
The Boston Globe, By Jeff Jacoby
Is Donald Trump alienating young Republicans?
The Boston Globe, By Victoria McGrane
Tricky Trump’s economics
The Boston Globe, By Scott Lehigh
When it comes to Trump, GOP senators battling for their seats are used to contortions
LA Times, By Lisa Mascaro
Essential Politics: Trump puts the squeeze on vulnerable Republicans
LA Times, By Christina Bellatoni.
Donald Trump’s Challenge: Passing the Plausibility Test
Wall St. Journal, By Gerald Seib
What Trump Doesn’t Know About Detroit
The New York Times, By Steve Ratner
Why Blacks Loathe Trump
The New York Times, By Charles Blow
Hillary Clinton Twists the Knife in Donald Trump’s Tax Proposals
The New York Times, By Amy Chozick
I’ve always voted Republican. Until now
The Washington Post, By Daniel Akerson
Trump, refugees, and the truth
The Boston Globe, By Sasha Chanoff
Trump rallies feed the vitriol machine
Miami Herald, By Michael Putney
Republican’s failure to condemn Trump’s campaign of hatred makes them complicit
Miami Herald, Editorial
Opinion: Trump Misses the Point on Tech Visas
The Wall Street Journal, By Jason Riley
Opinion: Running to Survive in the Year of Trump
The Wall Street Journal, By Joseph Rago
Trump fails Guantanamo test for president
(Raleigh) News & Observer, By Brennan Lindsey
Donald Trump | NC voter: What’s a die-hard Republican to do?
(Raleigh) News & Observer, By Marilou Sabina
Burr should disavow Trump
News & Observer, Editorial
Trump’s ugly and dishonest new TV ad shows he isn’t changing a thing
The Washington Post, By Greg Sargent