by WorldTribune Staff, July 7, 2020
To save herself, Ghislaine Maxwell will likely begin to spill all she has on associates of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, a former Epstein business associate said.

Maxwell is ready to give the FBI the names of people associated with the crimes she’s accused of, said Steven Hoffenberg.
Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton could potentially be “extremely worried right now,” he said.
“Today, after many years, Ghislaine Maxwell finally stands charged for her role in these crimes,” said Audrey Strauss, acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
The announcement of Maxwell’s arrest came less than two weeks after the President Donald Trump fired Geoffrey Berman, the predecessor of Strauss.
“She’s going to be naming some big names — not only in terms of those who abused underage girls at Epstein’s parties — but also those who made financial agreements with Epstein or benefited from his generosity, including flying on his plane and staying at his homes” Hoffenberg said.
Maxwell has “gone from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the sewer. She won’t be able to handle jail — and she’ll immediately start talking to try to get out of it,” Hoffenberg said.
Hoffenberg, a born-again Christian, is the former founder and CEO of Towers Financial Corporation, a debt collection agency, which was later discovered to be a Ponzi scheme. He hired Jeffrey Epstein in 1987, and in 1995 he pleaded guilty to bilking investors out of $475 million. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison, 18 of which he served.
Maxwell was likely shocked to be arrested as she thought she was “untouchable” due to her links to “intelligence communities,” he said.
Maxwell was busted on a six-count Manhattan federal indictment for allegedly recruiting underage girls for Epstein, 66, who allegedly hanged himself in August in his Manhattan lockup.
Maxwell has been moved to Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC). Injuring a high-profile inmate like Maxwell “would be a badge of honor,” former MDC warden Cameron Lindsay told the New York Post.
It will be a key concern when deciding whether to keep Maxwell alone in her 10-foot-by-12-foot cell or housed with another woman, a technique often favored to help keep inmates from attempting suicide, Lindsay said.
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