by WorldTribune Staff, June 24, 2019
Sen. Elizabeth Warren on June 20 introduced the Refund Equality Act, a bill that would allow same-sex couples to amend past tax returns and receive refunds from the IRS.
The Massachusetts Democrat and 2020 presidential candidate cited a tax code that was “discriminatory” against non-heterosexual married couples in calling for reparations.

Warren tweeted on June 22: “It wasn’t until marriage equality became law that gay & lesbian couples could jointly file tax returns — so they paid more in taxes. Our government owes them more than $50M for the years our discriminatory tax code left them out. We must right these wrongs.”
Warren’s bill would retroactively apply “married-filing jointly” status — along with refunding the amount overpaid — to same sex couples who were married in states where such unions were recognized prior to the federal government doing so in 2013.
“The federal government forced legally married same-sex couples in Massachusetts to file as individuals and pay more in taxes for almost a decade,” Warren explained. “We need to call out that discrimination and to make it right — Congress should pass the Refund Equality Act immediately.”
Warren’s push for gay reparations came the same week the House held hearings on the establishment of a committee to study slavery reparations.
“Elizabeth Warren has made a campaign of promising nearly every identity group in existence some form of monetary handout,” RedState’s Bonchie noted in a June 23 op-ed. “Whether it’s race, age, or socioeconomic background, she’s got something for you. From reparations for the descendants of slaves to paying off student loans of millennials.”
Bonchie asked: “Can any two gay people just claim they were a couple pre-gay marriage to get some of the $50M we supposedly owe them?
“This is the problem with reparations of any kind. They sound good emotionally to certain political persuasions, but they are completely impractical. Warren’s claim in that tweet is unworkable on so many levels that it’s not even worth discussing.”
The corporate media, as expected, did not call out Warren but praised her as “a genius with so many ambitious ‘ideas,’ ” Bonchie wrote. “No one has even bothered, though, to ask Warren how she’s going to pay for all these giveaways and you can bet MSNBC won’t at the first debate.
“Politics isn’t kindergarten. You don’t get praise simply for smearing paint on enough sheets of paper. If someone has lots of ideas but they are bad ideas, then they deserve to be treated as such.”
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