Drudge Break!



People are talking about DrudgeReport.com. Did he sell out to Google and go over to the dark side? While waiting for answers, here’s our short list. As always here, less is more! – The Editors

__ Dem candidates delete Trump’s name from tweets on death of ISIS leader but . . .

__ . . . Trump congratulated Obama following bin Laden raid

__ Democratic coverage called ‘genuinely fascinating’

__ Report: Congresswoman involved in ‘throuple’ will resign

__ Tiger Woods wins 82nd PGA tour event . . . in Japan

__ Hunter Biden scandal expands into Romania

__ MLB investigates umpire who reportedly threatened civil war over impeachment

__ Linda Tripp: Same media that silenced me now glorify fake whistleblowers

__ Flashback: Pentagon settles with Linda Tripp after she sued for violation of the Privacy Act

__ Democrat incumbents are about to face the music

October 23

__ Bedard: 7 in 10 say US ‘on the edge of civil war’

__ Uighur Muslim woman tell all after escaping horrific ‘re-education’ camp

__ Bette Midler praises neighbor who beat the s–t out of Sen. Rand Paul

__ Chairman Mao? Who knew?

__ Behind the leftist attacks on Chairman Zuck