by WorldTribune Staff, July 10, 2020
In discussing the importance of the November election on Thursday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked Fox News political analyst Brit Hume if Republican voters understand that “we are headed at very high speed toward effectively a one-party state at least for the foreseeable future.”

Carlson pointed to Democrat Joe Biden’s plan which includes the legalization of at least 22 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States. He asked Hume if it was “fair to say no Republican could ever win a national election at least in the foreseeable future?”
Hume responded: “I think that’s a reasonable assumption in the foreseeable future, and it wouldn’t take 22 million. Let’s say the number were half that. 11 million new voters, the overwhelming majority of whom would vote for the Democrat, would keep the Democrats in power in the White House for sure for several election cycles at least.”
Hume pointed out that Biden’s plan “is not the agenda of a man who is trying to reach out beyond his own party for support,” but rather someone “trying to solidify support within his own party in the belief that that’s all he needs.”
“That is where we are,” Hume said. “This is a man who simply thinks that the nomination is all he needs, that he is basically guaranteed the election. He might be right.”
Huma and Carlson discussed the possibility that Democrats would push things through simply by abolishing the filibuster and even making the District of Columbia a state, solidifying Democratic Party control.
“Well, they might,” Hume said.
President Donald Trump, Hume said, “has opportunities here, he has chances, the sheer leftward drift of this party and the outright leftism of this agenda would seem to present opportunities if the Trump campaign and Trump himself can capitalize on them.”
“I’ve been in the habit for many election cycles of telling people when they asked me how important the election was, I would always say it’s the most important election since the last one and will be the most important one until the next one,” Hume added, responding to Carlson’s question about the importance of November. “I think this may be a little different here … this election is different. This is big, no doubt.”
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