Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 20, 2023
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was propelled into his lofty position due in great part to leftist billionaire George Soros.
Now, Bragg is repaying Soros by going after Donald Trump in an effort to eliminate the greatest 2024 challenge to globalists and their “Great Reset,” critics say.
Trump wrote in a Telegram post: “Just Out: District Attorney Alvin Bragg received in EXCESS OF ONE MILLION DOLLARS from Radical Left Enemy of ‘TRUMP,’ George Soros. Bragg is also very close to the Clinton Campaign. Republicans and Conservatives are more UNITED than they have been in many years. Even Democrats don’t like what’s going on with the Manhattan D.A. This is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time!”
In a “60 Minutes” interview from 1998, Soros tells Steve Kroft he had no regrets over assisting the Nazis in confiscating property from the Jewish people during the Holocaust.
Conscience is not a factor for Soros, now age 92, as he confirms in the interview he does not believe in God and shrugged off consequences of any “amoral” actions.
“Had he read the Bible, he might recall that Moses while living under the Pharoah’s protection killed the Egyptian he observed beating Hebrew slaves,” one observer noted.
György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary. Soros’s father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity.
The Schwartz’s, who were nonpracticing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s. When Hitler’s henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary to oversee the murder of that country’s Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds.
Soros has repeatedly called 1944 “the best year of his life.” Seventy percent his fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect.”
During the interview with Kroft, Soros was asked about his “best year.”
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