by WorldTribune Staff, July 6, 2023
In a June 28 report, The Jerusalem Post cited a Wuhan researcher as saying that communist China created the Covid virus as a “bioweapon.”

Chao Shao asserts that the virus was deliberately engineered by China as a “bioweapon,” and that his colleagues were tasked with identifying the most effective strain for spreading, the report said.
As Sun Tzu said 2,500 years ago, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Chairman Xi Jinping “did so by using a bioweapon and bribes to eliminate the leader who opposed him.” Xi replaced President Donald Trump with Joe Biden “who he bought off a few years earlier for a lousy few million dollars,” a columnist wrote.
And that is how “Red China won Cold War II,” Don Surber wrote in a July 3 column.
Back in March 24, 2020, analyst Richard Fisher concluded in a report for that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was shrouded in secrecy but that “There are however two known aspects: 1) the Wuhan coronavirus has provided China’s government with a massive exercise in national defense against bio weapons; and 2) China does have an active bioweapons program.” reported the following on March 27, 2020:
Wuhan, the epicenter of the original outbreak, is also the location of China’s first and still only known Bio Safety Lab-4 (BSL-4), known as the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This lab houses some of the world’s most dangerous and contagious viruses and biological agents and is intended to be the first of several more BSL-4 labs across China. It has not been established whether this lab is part of China’s dual-use bioweapons research, but here is what is known about China’s program.
Since China is a signatory to the 1984 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) — its clandestine, offensive biological warfare program is covered under the guise of biological warfare defense (biodefense), and civilian technology and facilities that are “dual-use.” The U.S. Air Force Air University (AU) just published a study this month that acknowledged China’s offensive biowarfare capabilities.
The study notes that various reports from the United States in 2010, 2012, and 2014 all state essentially the same thing, “that China likely possesses a covert biological weapons program, but the extent of that program remains unknown to the public.”
In the Jerusalem Post’s report, the Wuhan researcher said members of his team were sent to the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan and later was sent to Xinjiang Province to assess the health status of Uyghur prisoners held in re-education camps.
Related: Coronavirus outbreak invites scrutiny of China’s dual-use covert bioweapons program, March 27, 2020
A team member at the Military World Games “suspected that these actions were unrelated to virology research and suggested that they were potentially involved in spreading the virus,” the report said.
A team member sent to the re-education camps “strongly implied that his mission in Xinjiang was either to facilitate the virus’s spread or to study its effects on humans.”
Related: Bioweapon exercise? Wuhan coronavirus outbreak provides wargame data, March 24, 2020
The U.S. government, Surber wrote, “financed this bioweapon development because the deep state carries pictures of Chairman Mao. … Covid-19 was so ingenious that I do believe it came from the devil himself. It wrecked the economy and then it wrecked people’s confidence in public health officials. Weakening our economy hastens the pace where Red China becomes the largest economy in the world. They already have the upper hand. Always bear in mind that we rely on them for essential products and they rely on us for nothing.”
Covid, indeed, “is biomedical warfare,” Surber wrote. Dr. Anthony Fauci “was brought in to find a vaccine for AIDS. Instead, he secretly funded Red China’s biowarfare lab in Wuhan. As far as I can find, there is no statute of limitations on espionage.”
Surber continued: “Democrats helped facilitate Red China’s use of covid as psyops. At first, Democrats attacked as racist those who called it the Wuhan Flu. They opposed shutting down travel with Red China and a few of them went to Little China neighborhoods to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
“Why not? It was the Year of the Rat, always a Democrat favorite.”
In a blog on April 13, 2020, Surber had written: “For our survival, we must quarantine Red China. Kick their students out. Halt all trade. Recognize Taiwan as the One China. Fight to kick Red China out of the World Trade Organization and the UN.”
“Alas,” Surber writes in the July 3 op-ed, “America chose to remain divided and to allow Red China to abuse us.”
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