Columnist: UN sees gold in environmental scam

by WorldTribune Staff, May 7, 2019

Billions are needed for the environment because, after all, how else are Leftist elites going to get to parties? They need those private jets.

“Climate change is very, very good for business,” Washington Times columnist Cheryl K. Chumley wrote on May 6.

“It’s been very, very lucrative for the godless environmental crowds — or, make that Environmentalism Is Our God crowds — that like to feign concern for clean air while chugging along congested roads in air conditioned caravans of SUVs, on route to the next rally to demand CO2 emission controls. Billions good, in fact. Not just millions, but billions. The Paris Climate Agreement alone is worth $100 billion from participating nations — and just days ago, in Bonn, Germany, climate conference attendees said another $300 billion is needed to fight for the environmental rights of all in the world.”

The UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity issued an 1,800-pages report this week warning that one million animal and plant species are in danger of extinction due to the impact of humans on nature.

The UN’s “diatribe” was issued “to gain control of human activities, behaviors and governmental systems,” Chumley wrote. “And make no mistake about it. This report isn’t so much about protecting the earth from damage as it is about robbing humankind of individual rights, stripping nations of sovereignty and grabbing some quick oodles and boodles of cash in the process.”

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, meanwhile, reported in 2018 that climate change has cost U.S. taxpayers $350 billion-plus over the last decade — and is forecast to cost about $35 billion per year by 2050, Chumley noted.

Then you have Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “running around and giving a 12-year countdown to gloom and doom and worldly destruction — and then, as if seeing and raising in a poker game, here comes Beto O’Rourke with the same-same predictions, only for 10 years’ time.”

The latest UN report is “stark,” as The New York Times writes.

“It has to be ‘stark,’ ” Chumley wrote. “Too many livelihoods depend on the starkness of the environment, the doom and gloominess of the climate. Too many opportunities for control depend on the ability of the few to generate fear and fright in the many.”

Chumley concluded: “Power hungry elitists of the world learned long ago that environmentalism offered a surefire means of stealing sovereignty and robbing individualism through a mask of altruism. And nobody robs better than the globalists at the United Nations.”

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