Obama’s Alice-in-Wonderland foreign policy

Obama’s Alice-in-Wonderland foreign policy

Sol W. Sanders   That clanking and screeching you hear out of Washington, almost drowning out the caterwauling of the budget debate, is the Obama administration making a 180-degree turn on Pacific Ocean anti-missile defense. As usual with the cloying mainstream media, the significance of this complete reversal of strategy has been obfuscated at the […]

Mr. Paul goes to Washington and draws blood on both sides of the aisle

Mr. Paul goes to Washington and draws blood on both sides of the aisle

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Sen. Rand Paul has lit a fuse, one that threatens to blow up President Obama’s secret drone program. The Kentucky Republican on Wednesday held a nearly 13-hour filibuster opposing John O. Brennan’s nomination as CIA director. Mr. Paul’s action was prompted by a shocking admission from the administration: Namely, Attorney General Eric […]

Barack Obama, Huey Long and the totalitarian temptation

Barack Obama, Huey Long and the totalitarian temptation

Sol W. Sanders   We live in dangerous times. Not so much that the world economy threatens to crash, that our carefully nuanced political system in the U.S. is momentarily checkmated, or even that while the U.S. is running the highest unemployment rates in recent memory the European Community has not resolved its disintegrating common […]

Woodward’s and Wikipedia’s cozy and biased take on the Obama White House

Woodward’s and Wikipedia’s cozy and biased take on the Obama White House

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid If the White House will push Bob Woodward around on such a mundane matter as Obama’s role in a budget stand-off, what else will they do? A look at Wikipedia’s page on Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis might give us some indication. It is apparent that Obama supporters […]

Al Jazeera hires GOP lobbyists to counter scrutiny by Congress to Current TV deal

Al Jazeera hires GOP lobbyists to counter scrutiny by Congress to Current TV deal

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid Rep. Tim Murphy, who holds a senior position on the House Energy and Commerce Committee as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, has called on the Obama administration to explain whether Al Jazeera’s purchase of Current TV from former Democratic Vice President Al Gore was given any […]

After being repeatedly lectured by Netanyahu in Washington, Obama finally visits the Holy Land

After being repeatedly lectured by Netanyahu in Washington, Obama finally visits the Holy Land

Sol W. Sanders   JERUSALEM — One of the most quoted of Maynard Milord many clever aphorisms is: “You can’t push on a string”. Keynes was referring to extending credit to an unreceptive investment market. [Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke are you listening?] The quip comes to mind this morning on the eve of President Barack […]

Ex-FBI agent: CIA nominee Brennan converted to Islam, visited holy sites

Ex-FBI agent: CIA nominee Brennan converted to Islam, visited holy sites

Special to WorldTribune.com WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the CIA is said to have secretly converted to Islam in Saudi Arabia. A former FBI agent reported that CIA nominee John Brennan secretly converted to Islam between 1996 and 1999 when he served as CIA station chief in the Saudi capital of Riyad. […]

All the president’s men and the music that moves them

All the president’s men and the music that moves them

Wesley Pruden Barack Obama says he’s not a Muslim, but a Christian. That’s his business, between the president and God. The president clearly has a soft spot in his heart for Islam. He once described the call to evening prayer, which he first heard as a child in a Muslim school in Indonesia, as “one […]

Congress silent as Gore defends terror TV deal with ‘relatively independent’ Al Jazeera

Congress silent as Gore defends terror TV deal with ‘relatively independent’ Al Jazeera

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincad It is fun to watch Big Oil critic Al Gore squirm as he is questioned about selling out to the oil-rich dictatorship in Qatar. But his sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera is not a laughing matter. This transaction is a homeland security threat that violates numerous U.S. […]

Pyongyang poker: N. Korea ups the ante with the U.S., Japan, S. Korea and China

Pyongyang poker: N. Korea ups the ante with the U.S., Japan, S. Korea and China

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Shortly after the Security Council unanimously condemned the recent North Korean missile launch and demanded that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea abandon nuclear testing, Pyongyang’s rulers decided to up the political ante. They announced that they are on the verge of a third nuclear test and for good […]