Apologizing to the mullahs but not to Poland

Apologizing to the mullahs but not to Poland

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has insulted Poland. On Tuesday, Mr. Obama referred to “Polish death camps” during World War II. His comments inflamed Polish public opinion. Mr. Obama has demeaned and degraded the victims of Nazism. He has also exposed his ignorance. The irony is that Mr. Obama’s statements were expressed during a ceremony […]

Much more to China than meets the (American) eye

Much more to China than meets the (American) eye

Lev Navrozov Last week we had a call from someone whom we used to know some years ago: an intelligent young man, a brilliant computer specialist, with a keen interest in international affairs, at that time particularly concerned with Falun Gong persecutions going on in China. He had several Chinese friends associated with the Chinese […]

Election year petro-politics: Obama, Iran and the Saudis

Election year petro-politics: Obama, Iran and the Saudis

Special to WorldTribune.com By Brian M. Downing, FreePressers.com A few months ago, Saudi Arabia lowered oil production and attributed it to excess world supply. Oil experts saw this as odd because Libyan and Syria production were way down and Nigerian production was thought in jeopardy from bombing incidents. Some thought the long awaited “twilight in […]

Some straight reporting on America’s ‘first gay president’

Some straight reporting on America’s ‘first gay president’

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid Barack Obama is being presented as America’s first gay president by Newsweek, which glorifies his decision to recognize same-sex marriage. The Newsweek cover story will serve a purpose other than generating interest in a magazine that has been losing circulation and advertising revenue if it is viewed as an […]

Australia’s pro-Obama Gillard government clings to power, reduces defense spending

Australia’s pro-Obama Gillard government clings to power, reduces defense spending

Special to WorldTribune.com By Gregory Copley, Global Information System Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s Labor Party (ALP)-dominated coalition Government of Australia has clung to power without an express public mandate since the August 21, 2010, House of Representatives elections. This has been largely because its parliamentary majority has been guaranteed by four independent parliamentarians and one […]

Obama makes it clear: He wants a secular, post-Christian, homosexual America

Obama makes it clear: He wants a secular, post-Christian, homosexual America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has made it official: He now supports same-sex marriage. It is his latest onslaught on traditional America. Mr. Obama has made history. He is our first commander in chief to openly embrace legalizing homosexual and lesbian unions. He has crossed a cultural watershed, paving the way for the eventual triumph […]

End of Atlanticism and the rise of Germany: The West looks East and yields to unelected bureaucracies

End of Atlanticism and the rise of Germany: The West looks East and yields to unelected bureaucracies

Special to WorldTribune.com By Gregory Copley, Global Information System Europe is at a pivotal point. Or, rather, it is at a point where its structural transformation can no longer be ignored. Events in Europe have finally led us to the dénouement of the 20th Century. It may presage a new Europe tied more firmly into […]

A Soviet front that exploited the black-white divide and the U.S. ‘leaders’ it published

A Soviet front that exploited the black-white divide and the U.S. ‘leaders’ it published

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid Newly declassified documents from Operation SOLO, an FBI program to infiltrate the Communist Party of the United States, reveal that a journal called Freedomways, which was influential in the black community for decades, was subsidized by the Soviet and Chinese Communist Parties. Freedomways has been called “one of the […]

Selling priceless freedom, for a modest profit, to the enemy

Selling priceless freedom, for a modest profit, to the enemy

Lev Navrozov One of our family’s aims in coming out of Russia and to the United States was to help Westerners to understand Russia, from which the West was cut off for almost a century, their only main source of information being what Soviet propaganda was feeding them. This week, as I was writing my […]

The New York Times takes on the City’s terrror-fighting police commissioner

The New York Times takes on the City’s terrror-fighting police commissioner

Special to WorldTribune.com By Cliff Kincaid At The New York Times annual meeting on April 25, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Arthur Sulzberger Jr. denied that his paper was waging a war on the New York City Police Department and its commissioner, Ray Kelly. The denials are not convincing. As I arrived in New York […]